More Than A Minute

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As soon as the bell rang signaling lunch time I bolted out of the room and got to the cafeteria in record time. I wanted to grab some lunch and head for the library as quick ad I could so I wouldn't have to sit with Niall and then be harassed by Zayn. Unfortunately Niall was hungry, as he always is, and was one of the first people on line. I tried not to groan. "Hey Emma!" Niall shouted waving me over to where he had an extra tray filled with food. People glared at me as I walked by. This was normal for Niall. To bring someone special up with him in the lunch line. I just wasn't suppose to be this "special person". I took my place next to him in line and we went to our empty cafeteria table. I dropped the tray down and sat down with a on angry huff. "Damn. What's got you knickers in a twist?" Niall asked biting into his apple. I didn't reply. "Was it Zayn?" He asked.

"He's unbelievable!" I shouted.

"What'd he do?" He asked. I grumbled but didn't reply.

"Aw come on we're friends right?" I shook my head but Niall didn't notice. Too absorbed in his food. "Tell me, come on and make it snappy before he comes." I looked behind me to see if Zayn was anywhere nearby. He wasn't. Must he's still getting out of class.

"What makes you think I want to tell you?" I countered. But I did. I really did. I needed to tell somebody! Even if it was.. Niall.

"Cuz you have that look. The one girls always get before they spill their guts." I roll my eyes. "Out with it. I'll get it out of you eventually and..." This is where I cut in and like he said, spilled my guts.

"Zayn kissed me." He chocked on his food.

"He what!" Niall coughed out hitting his chest like something went down the wrong pipe.

"Zayn kissed me, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't make a big deal out of it." I hissed motioning for him to lower his voice. He didn't.

"This is a big deal!" Niall shouted.

"Niall!" I said just as loudly attracting even the attention of the stoners on the back of the room.

"Details come on." Niall said snapping his fingers like I might give him anything he wanted.

"What? No! Are you kidding me?" I asked. Niall shook his head.

"Come on. Tell me. When, where, how,why and what?!" His voice rising with every word. I glared at him.

"During third period. By the lockers. He used his lips, uh duh? Sexual tension? I don't know! Shut up." I growled answering all of his questions in turn. Niall snickered.

"Sexual tension?" He echoed.

"Ok if you had been there Niall, you would have understood now please can we drop this? I'm not in the mood." I grumbled crossing my arms over my chest.

"No. You're telling me. This is a big moment." He said happily.

"Are you one of those weird people who jacks off to this kind of stuff?" I asked. Niall laughed.

"No! That's sick! Come one tell me. He kissed you that's a first for Zayn. Usually girls kiss him." He said throwing a chip into his mouth with a giant crunch.

"Actually we sort of made out..." I mumbled. Niall chocked again.

"Fucking shit! Seriously?! Come on you have to tell me!" He whined.

"It wasn't anything and I don't want to talk about it." I mumbled.

"Is he a good kisser?" Niall asked leaning in.

"Shut up." I grumbled.

"I'm taking that as a yes." He said leaning back with a laugh.

"Come one what happened? You guys just didn't randomly start making out in the middle of your English class right?" I snorted.

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