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Please read! It's important! Otherwise I won't put out a sequel!

So here's the thing about a sequel. This book was suppose to go in an entirly different direction. It wasn't suppose to end all happy like and nice. Here's how it was suppose to go.

Emma, at graduation, would have a talk with Zayn and she would either break the news to Zayn's mother and sisters or she would simply tell Zayn to never speak to her ever again. That whole kissing photo would never have happened. Emma and Zayn would part ways and she won't see him ever again. Unless.... You want a sequel.

I can post up, after this, the alternate ending to this book in preperation for a sequel if you really really want one and here are some points to convince you why you should want one.

1. They're in college.

2. Emma and Harry find themselves getting closer to becoming friends.

3. Liam, possibly, could get a girlfriend.

4. Emma finds a new guy, much worse than Zayn who turns her into a completly differnt person.

5. So basically Emma because a badass.

6. Zayn follows Emma around Westwood like a beaten and lost puppy.

7. Harry, could possibly, be in love with Emma.

8. Niall gets arrested.

9. Louis has a really bad life experience which will explain why he stutters and shakes and why he wanted to become friends with Harry in the first place.

10. Emma's dad might come back.

So basically in college more shit goes down than what happens in the first one. Emma begins smoking, drinking and almost has sex with this new guy. I don't know if there will be a lot of demand for the sequel but if you really and i mean really want it you're going to have to leave a comment or something to tell me or drop me a message. I can't read minds.

The book, if you want it, Would be called. Never Have I Ever and the picture attached is basically what the cover would be. So you see i have put a lot of thinking into the sequel.

The thing about it though is i have so many stories, for so many different things in the works that it's hard for me to keep track of what to post and when to post it. Because if you check out my works. I have 14 things up and like 30 other things in the process of being put up. So if you want a sequel i will gladly make it but be forwarned i have a Sequel for my Harry story, my Niall story, my Doctor Who story, and my Hunger Games story all to come out around the time school kicks off or somewhere in between. So i will get started but it might take a while.

Anyways thank you so so much for reading. I came up with this story idea like two years ago and didn't put it up til late last year. I'm surprised it's doing better than my Harry story because i finished that one first but whatever i take it how it is. Thank you for everyone who voted and shoutout to my friend @call_me_bear who started commenting and voting for this story because i had no idea she was reading it!

Again thank you and teLL ME WHAT YOU WANT. sequel wise. Like if you have ideas and if you want one you know. Thanks again!


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