Chapter 29

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Lillian wakes up with a piercing pain in her head. Her vision is slightly blurry as she takes in her surroundings. It seems as if she's in an abandoned workshop - the one just outside of town. She attempts to stand up but she's firmly attached to a pole by a thick rope. She wiggles her body in hopes of escaping, but the rope is firmly wrapped around her. She's trapped. Her mind flickers back to Amelia and the text she sent begging for help.

I should have known it was a trap.

She attempts to break free but her efforts are futile.

The paralyzing fear hits her in waves as she wonders what has happened to everyone else. A million different thoughts invade her mind as she attempts to think back on how she got into this position in the first place. She should have known better, should have never gone alone. She wanted to protect her friends, but in doing so she might have already sentenced them to their deaths. She'd already watched so many people die. She couldn't deal with it anymore.

Maybe I won't need to. She thinks. I might be the next one dead.

The thought of this being her brutal end ignites her into another fit of sobs. Her stomach begins to ache from the overabundance of tears but she cannot seem to calm herself down.

The echoing of footsteps halts her movements as the sound of boots clanking against the wooden floor becomes more prominent. The cloaked figure rounds the corner with a menacing strut and a dagger firmly clenched in their hand.

"Who are you?" Lillian's tough façade cracks. "Show yourself."

The salty tears land on her lips and she sobs as the figure draws the blade closer to her and brushes it across her cheek. The steel is cold and goosebumps infiltrate her skin. She chokes back a sob as the blade slightly pierces her, drawing blood.

"If you're going to kill me, at least show me who you are."

The figure tilts its head to the side and she can feel their stare under the mask. They reach their hand up towards it and slowly pull the mask down, unveiling the familiar face.

"Mr. Stanley." She gasps out.

"Hello, Lillian." He greets them with a sinister grin.

"Why would you do this?" She questions as she attempts to wiggle free once again.

"I have so many reasons." He states as he spins the knife around with his fingers. "Let's just say May had a history of keeping a lot of men on a string to play with. I was one of the tragic victims."

"You and May-" She stops herself as she digests the information. She thinks back to her journals, to all the rumors - it suddenly makes sense. "Jake wasn't the older guy, you were."

"I loved her." His sinister smile turns into an emotionless frown. "I gave her everything, I was willing to risk my career and reputation for her and she tossed me aside like garbage."

He struts back and forth.

"May was heartless and narcissistic, the world is better without her in it. The rest of those bitches too."

"What do you need me for?" She questions. "Do I deserve to die too?"

"No, you don't." He simply states. "But I've gotten a taste for murder and I can't stop."

It feels as if the wind had gotten knocked out of her at his words. She'd trusted him, they all had and he'd been the reason for her constant nightmares. He'd been her and Amelia's favorite teacher. Amelia.

"Where is Amelia?" Her question brings a grin to his face.

"She's too busy bleeding out to join the party."

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