My ToBeOne experience #2

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Hey guys! So March 15th I met the boyz again in Woodbridge. That was my second time ever meeting ToBeOne so I am going to share my experience from it with all of you. Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed living it. 

I got up at eight am and got into the shower. After I had done all that, I got dressed into a grey tank top, a pair of black leggings, and I threw on my jean jacket with a greay sweatshirt underneath and then slipped on my blue and grey jordans. After I finished getting dressed, I left my hair straight and waited for it to become eleven so I could leave. The babysitter soon came, and me and my mom left. We went and picked up Melissa and then Marycate and then we were on the road. The whole car ride was listening to music, taking selfies, and laughing. Typical for us. By the time we got there I was beat already. "Just follow the screams and you'll find where we are supposed to go!" I remember marycate saying as we were walking up to the doors. My mom left to go meet up with her cousin to hang out in the mall. As soon as we walked into the mall, all you heard was screaming. We all looked at eachother and laughed before going to the nearest thing to look down. We saw a huge stage and a lot of people in the crowd. We looked at each other, before setting off running. It was 12:50 and the show started at one. 

We finally found the escalator, and went down it. I texted my friend Kat asking where she was. I found exactly where she was, which was in the back on the right side. It turned out, WE WERE RIGHT BEHIND MAMA SMITH. AS IN JASON'S MOM. We saw Justin and spencer and mama alamia behind us a couple feet back but we were to scared to go up to them to get a picture. I saw Jasons mom turn around and at first I didn't realize it was her until I looked at a picture with her in it. I made Kat tap on her shoulder and ask if I could take a picture with her. We took one and I hugged her before we waited for the show to start. It started off with a girl from american idol singing and then a fashion show for prom dresses and suits. As the show went on, and we waited for ToBeOne, we kept on moving up, and I ended up standing next to Jasons twin sister Sarah. I got a picture with her too. We kept on moving up, and by the time the boyz came on I was right at the front piratically. They started off singing wherever you wanna go, do you, and then please don't go girl. Madison was beat boxing and they were trying to see who could scream the loudest and it was pretty funny. They went for a group selfie and when they turned around, Madison goes "Now no one look at my butt." And me, and well all the fans being our perverted selves, we all stared! Before I knew it we were getting out of the crowd and started walking around. We were about to go up the escalator when Justin and his friends were coming down. We all got pictures with him, and then went to the bathroom and then to applebees where my mom was. l

We sat at the table with my mom for about five minutes as we rambled on about everything. In the bathroom we asked someone when the meet and greet was and they said 4:30 but we didn't believe them. So we told my mom that we would be right back, and we literally ran down to where the show was, and we bumped into no other then Mrs. Fusco! We took a picture with her and then asked when it would be. She said around 4:30 maybe five so we had our time. Except it wasn't right. It didn't start until 5:30. My mom some how got it out of a cop where the meet and greet would be, and that's where we stood and waited. We watched the second show, and then they called the meet and greet we were one of the first ones in line. Marycate and Kat got separated from Melissa and I, so they ended up going first. 

By the time we got up onto the stage to see them, Marycate and Kat were gone. But as I was standing waiting, my mom was trying to talk to me through the crowd, and I couldn't understand a word she was saying.I didn't know what to think at that point so I went on with meeting the first person in line which was the girl who performed first from american idol. I told her how good she was and we took a selfie before she handed me a thing and I waited to meet the next girl. But the security wanted us to go so I had to skip that girl and go right to the boyz. I was so nervous. I handed the guy my phone, and he took a bad picture that was blurry and wasn't even our faces. I gave Mikey a hug and he smelt really good. I told him that too. "You smell really good!" I smiled. He smiled and said thank you and then told me I was pretty. I almost died. The security was pulling me off the stage, but Jason grabbed my hand and pulled me back on. He handed me a signed picture and then extended his arms. I hugged him and he whispered in my ear "I love you beautiful" I told him I loved him back and then walked off the stage and waited for melissa. Once she came off, I began talking to my mom and we started walking over. And I couldn't believe it but we were walking right over to Mama Smith. She smiled at my mom and stood up and hugged me. I couldn't believe it. "I am in love with your son." Came out of my mouth about five times. People were all staring and she was twirling my hair and stuff. "So your angelina?" I nodded and I was so amazed. We were talking and then I hugged her one last time before we walked away.

 The experience was amazing and I wouldn't change a thing that happened. If you ever have the opportunity to meet the boyz, take it. It will be worth it.  

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