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You sat on the couch watching Netflix as your girlfriend slept in your lap. You looked down for a moment to admire her features. Her soft, porcelain skin and her long, wavy hair. Slowly, you stroked her hair, careful not to wake her. She was so beautiful when she slept. You loved the way she snuggled herself into you, her hand still locked with yours. A few minutes later she yawned and opened her eyes. "Well good morning, sunshine" you laughed as you watched your sleepy girlfriend furrow her eyebrows and stretch. She didn't say anything, she just played with your fingers and smiled softly. Lauren wasn't really one to talk when she first woke up. Your phone began to ring and you looked to see who was calling. You didn't have the number saved, but you recognized the number. It was your ex girlfriend, Halsey. You picked up the phone as Lauren looked up at you, confusedly. "Hello..?" You husked. "Y/N I loveee you so much...I was sooooooooo stupid to leave you I'm so sorryyyy" You rolled your eyes. She was drunk as always. "Ash, you're drunk" she ignored you and continued. I don't know where I ammmm and I don't have anyone to take me homeee" Lauren sat up as you told her you'd pick her up. "I'll be there soon" you hung up and looked at your girlfriend. Her green eyes had turned a few shades darker. They only did that when she was mad or turned on. "You're seriously going to pick her up, Y/N?" She spat at you. "Lo, she doesn't have anyone else to come get her and she's drunk" "I think that's bullshit, but whatever, Y/N." She said as she got up and walked upstairs into your bedroom. You put on your shoes, grabbed your keys, and left. You could figure things out with Lauren later. You drove to the club Ashley was at, and you called her and told her to come outside. The blue-haired girl stumbled outside and giggled as she opened the car door. "Cmon, Ash. I have to get home." You said as she climbed clumsily into the car. As she settled in, your phone buzzed. Ashley grabbed your phone and read the message out loud. "Lauren said 'don't come home tonight' oooooh you're in trouble" She laughed and handed you the phone. You looked at the screen, the words almost burning your eyes.

L❤️: Don't come home tonight.
Me: Baby, she doesn't mean anything to me. I'm in love with YOU, not her.
L❤️: If you loved me, you wouldn't be with her right now.

You held a few tears back and drove Ashley back to her apartment. "You should come innn" she smirked. "Ash, go inside" "Fine." She hissed and got out, slamming the door. She was mad at you now, but you knew she'd call you up tomorrow night like she always does. You drove home and opened the door. Lauren was sitting on the couch, wearing your t shirt and staring at the TV. She turned around quickly. "I thought I told you not to come home" You sat next to her and sighed. "I know. I just couldn't let you go to bed mad at me" You turned her face to look at you, but she turned away. "I'm sorry, LJ." She loved when you called her that. She blushed a little and shook her head. "You know that I'm in love with you. Ashley and I are done. I just couldn't let her get hurt." She looked down and nodded slowly. "I get it....I'm just scared you'll leave me...." You felt your heart sink. Lauren was the most beautiful girl in the world to you. There was no one else you could ever want. "Come here" you said softly as your girlfriend buried her face in your neck. You felt hot tears run down your neck. "I love you, LJ. I always will." She smiled against your neck. "I love you too, baby"

Lauren Jauregui One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now