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You sat in bed, wishing Lauren was next to you.  She had been on tour for a couple of months, and you hated being apart. You had the idea of surprising her on tour for a while, but you were too nervous to put the plan into action. Picking up the phone, you called Normani. You figured it would be worth a shot.
"Hello?" You heard her familiar voice on the other end.
"Mani is Lauren around?" You said quickly.
"Uh she's around here somewhere...I can go find her if you want." She said.
"NO!" You blurted out.
"Are you okay...?"
"Yes, I'm fine. Sorry. I want to surprise Lauren tonight. Do you think you guys could help me?"
"Oh my god, yes!!! She hasn't stopped talking about how much she misses you. This would make her so happy." Normani said, squealing with excitement.
"Shit, Lauren's coming. I'll text you. Bye!"

Lauren's POV:
I walked back into the room and saw the girls huddled around each other.
"What are we all talking about?" I said as they all jumped.
"Oh..n-nothing Y/N just called and we were trying to figure out where you were." Normani blurted out.
My heart fluttered at the sound of her name.
"I'll call her back right now. Did she say what she was calling for?" I asked.
"She said she just wanted to uhhhhh..." Dinah trailed off.
"To hear your voice!" Ally added.
I pulled out my phone and called Y/N and she picked up on the first ring as always.
"Hi, princess." I heard her familiar voice say.
"Hi baby! The girls told me you called. I missed your voice so much." I said, smiling.
"I missed yours too, angel. Ready to rock tonight?" She asked.
"Ugh, I'm really nervous. We're in Miami and performing at home always makes me the most nervous."
"You'll do great, baby. I wish I could be there."
"I do too, babe. It would make me feel so much better."
"I'm sorry, baby. If I didn't have to work tonight I'd be there. Break a leg, okay? I have to go. I love you so much."
"I love you more. Besitos." I said before hanging up. She made my heart so happy. No one has ever been so good to me. I still wish she could be at the show tonight.
"Y'all are grossing me out even on the phone." Dinah said, laughing.
The girls and I left the hotel and went out to do promos before tonight's concert.

You searched for flights to Miami and packed quickly. You drove to the airport and waited for your flight to board as your phone buzzed.

Lolo😍❤️: I miss you so much, baby.
Me: I know. I miss you too. You'll be home and in my arms before you know it. One more show, my love.
Lolo😍❤️: Ugh, I can't wait to come home and lay with you all day and give you so many kisses.
Me: I can't wait, either. I'll see you soon, I'm off to work. I love you, chicken.
Lolo😍❤️: I love you too, nugget. Text me when you're on break, I'll have a surprise for you papí😉

You put your phone in your pocket and got up to board. You sat down and popped your headphones, resting your head against the window. You woke up to the plane descending and smiled to yourself knowing you'd see Lauren in a bit. You got off the plane and texted Dinah, Ally, and Normani.

Me: Just landed in Miami!
Dinah🙄: YAY! Lauren is gonna be so happy to see you. She has been a mess all day.
Mani💃🏽: She wouldn't stop talking about you. She misses you so much.
Ally🙊: I tried making her cookies and she still wouldn't cheer up😥

You got into an Uber that took you to the venue, as you texted the girls to come outside.
First, you saw Normani running to hug you followed by Dinah and Ally. "Y/N!!!" You heard them all yell as they pulled you into a group hug. "Hi guys! Where's Lauren?" You asked, to make sure she wouldn't see you yet. "She's getting her hair and makeup done. She won't be ready for a while so you're safe." Dinah said. "When do you think you're gonna surprise her?" Normani asked. "I was gonna come on stage when you guys sing Squeeze. You think that would work?" You asked, running your fingers through your hair. "THAT'LL BE SO CUTE OH MY GOD, Y/N!!" Ally squealed. The girls led you inside and you hid backstage behind some boxes. You watched Lauren walk by as they walked onto the stage. She looked absolutely stunning. You wanted to grab her and kiss her right then, but you knew you had to wait. Finally, after watching the show, Squeeze started to play. Lauren stared to sing and your heart melted. The girls sang.
"Put your arms around me, baby, put your arms around me, baby..."
You ran onto the stage, hugging Lauren from behind. She turned around and looked at you and immediately started crying as she buried her face into your shoulder. You let a few tears fall as you stroked her hair. "I'm here, babe." You said with a smile. She kisses your lips passionately as the crowd let out an "Awwww" You sat in a chair on stage and Lauren sat on your lap, singing the song to you. When the song was over, the girls thanked the crowd for coming and you all walked offstage. Her fingers intertwined with yours as she rested her head on your shoulder.
"Let's go home, baby." She said with a smile.

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