Chapter 5 (WARNING)

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As soon as he shut the door to the bathroom I stood up and walked over to my bag. I searched and searched for what I needed, after about 5 minutes I found it. I got the razor blade out of my purse and sat back on the bed. I promised I would never do this again, but promises are meant to be broken right? I pressed the blade to my wrist, I was just about to make the first cut when the bathroom door opened. I tried to move but I couldn't, I was frozen. Soon Niall walked into the bedroom, but he stopped when he saw me with the razor blade in my hand, he walked over and took the blade away from me and threw it across the room.

"What the hell, Sabryn?"

My eyes suddenly filled with tears, I tried to blink them back, but it was no use tears began rolling down my face. I guess Niall noticed.

"What made you do this?" he asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"I'm stressed, Niall. I was kidnapped, I feel like I'm no good, and I can't be perfect like everyone expects me to be."

Niall stayed silent for a few seconds, I wanted him to say something, anything. But when he finally spoke it wasn't what i expected.

"I'm sorry." he said "I didn't know what i was thinking. I kidnapped you and I've acted like a complete ass to you, I'm sorry."

I wanted to speak but nothing came out, its like my mind went blank, he was sorry?

"Niall, I.."

I was immediately cut off when Niall's lips pressed to mine. I didn't kiss back, I was in shock.

Just as I was about to kiss back, he pulled away.

"Shit, Sabryn I.." 

I cut him off just like he did to me, he seemed to be caught off guard as I pressed my lips to his, but thankfully he started kissing me back.

He pulled away and said something, again i didn't expect he would say.

"I love you."

Criminal (Niall Horan fanfic) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now