Chapter 2

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“Sabryn” Lillie called

“What?” I asked

“lets go over to the bar.”

“okay” I said, we walked over to the bar and sat down, wow this girl has an actual bar in her basement, I thought to my self. I didn't realize I zoned out until I heard Lillie calling my name.

“Sabryn!” she yelled

“what!” I said as soon as I snapped back into reality.

“what do you want to drink?” she asked

“just a beer.” I said, she handed me my drink and before I knew it, I drank it all.

“Lillie, get me another one.” I told her , she told a guy to hand her another beer, I grabbed it and immediately started drinking, and soon enough I finished that one to.

After my fourth beer I started to feel a bit tipsy, I tried to get up out of my seat but when I did I fell right over.

“Sabryn, Oh my gosh, are you okay?” she asked

“yeahhh I-I’m fine.” I slurred

“No more drinks for you.” she stated firmly

“whatever.” I said as I walked away.


“Sabryn, are you ready to go?” Lillie asked

“yea” I said as I got my keys out of my purse, Lillie saw me take them out and she immediately snatched them out of my hands.

“No Sabryn, I’m driving!” she exclaimed

“why can’t I drive MY damn car?” I asked

“because you had four beers, I know it doesn’t seem like many, but you can’t drive.” she told me

“okay then” I muttered


I woke up this morning with a horrible headache, I got out of bed and made my way downstairs, when I was halfway down the steps I started to feel nauseous, so I ran back upstairs to my bathroom, I opened the door and hunched over the toilet, and emptied my stomach. After that I walked back downstairs and saw a note it said:

Sabryn, I had to go into work today I don’t know what time I will be home.

Love, Mom

Okay so I’m home by myself , I’m alright with that.

I walked back upstairs to my room, I sat on my bed and turned my laptop on, while I was on Twitter, my phone started ringing, I jumped up and answered it.

“Hello” I said

“hey Sabryn, I was wondering if we could go shopping?” Lillie asked me.

“Uhh sure, do I need to pick you up?” I asked

“No I’ll just take my moms car.” she said

“ okay meet me there in an hour” I said

“okay bye.” she said and hung up.


I arrived at the mall and walked in, I decided to call Lillie and see where she was.

“Hey where are you? I asked

“ I’m in Forever 21.” she said

“okay stay there, I will be there in a second.” I said

“okay.” she said

I walked into Forever 21 and I saw Lillie standing at the cash register.

“what did you get?” I asked her

“just a top and a pair of shorts.” she said

“cool so where should we go next” I asked

“ I don’t know, wherever you want to go I guess” she said

“ okay lets go to Hollister.” I said


After hours of shopping we decided to go home so we headed back out to the car lot.

“where are you parked?” I asked

“over there.” she said and pointed to her car which was far away from mine.

“alright, I’ll text you tomorrow.” I said

“alright, bye” she said

With that we both got in our cars and left.


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