Chapter 1

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“Sabryn get up or you’ll be late for school!” my mom called, ugh how much longer do I have to go through this? “Sabryn get up shit.” I’m sick of getting up and putting on a stupid plaid skirt, white button down, a gray cardigan, and stupid black ballet flats. Only two more years and I will move out go to college somewhere out of my country, and live the life I want to live.

I pull myself out of bed and go into my walk-in closet and pick out my very predictable outfit, the same thing I wear everyday to school, well not just me everyone else to.

I finished getting dressed so I put some makeup on and straightened my long brown hair. After I finished getting ready I walked downstairs, only to greet my mother. Yay. Its not that I hate my mom, I only hate what she is trying to make me do, I don’t want to be perfect, I don’t want to marry a lawyer, I want to my own thing with my life.

“Have a good day!” my mom said trying to act all cheery, I grabbed my car keys and walked out the door.

I hopped into my car and pulled out of my driveway, I turned the radio on and started singing to Want You Back by Cher Lloyd, I can’t help it I love that song.


I pulled into my schools parking lot, I shut my car off grabbed my bag and headed for the building.

I walked in the building and walked straight to my locker, I was getting my books for my first class when my friend Lillie walked over to me.

“hey!” she said

“hi” I said back

“so I heard the seniors are throwing a party tonight.” she said

“ really who’s house?” I asked

“ Jessica Patterson, she just moved into a huge mansion.” she explained

“and she is inviting sophomores?” I asked

“ yup” she said popping the p.

“ are you planning on going?” I asked

“yea, Sabryn will you please go?” she asked

“sure.” I said


Today went by extremely slow, I thought I would never walk out of that school.

I got home and ran straight up to my room. I have to find something to wear tonight. I was looking through my closet when I found the perfect dress, it was a black strapless dress it was pretty short, but it fit perfectly in all the right areas.

I walked downstairs and found my mom sitting on the couch, she looked like she was asleep so I was going to try to sneak out without waking her, but as soon as I opened the door I heard her get up.

“young lady where do you think your going?” she snapped

“ a guy from school asked me to go on a date with him tonight, trust me he is a good kid straight A’s and planning to be a lawyer.” I explained

“well okay then, have fun.” she said

“bye!” I yelled as I walked out the front door of my house.


I got to Lillie’s house cause she texted me and told me to pick her up.

I saw her front door open and she walked out she was wearing a hot pink dress with black heels.

“Nice dress.” I said

“thanks.” she said


We pulled up to the party and got out of the car. We walked in and there were people drinking and making out and dancing.

“Sabryn you know you can’t drink right” Lillie said.

“yea but my mom don’t have to know.” I said

“okay” she said.

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