The Fire In Your Eyes (Part 2)

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Part Two The Fire In Your Eyes  

The Trade 

After driving Candace home and assigning Mako and his team to watch over the house, I contacted the Colonel and his Executive Officer (XO) we all met at the command center "Sir I need protection for my family now." The XO intervened before the Colonel could respond and said "Lieutenant you understand  how things work around here right?" "I understand, but we don't have any available personnel." the Colonel answered my request, "With all due respect sir, I need to look out for my family, especially if you send me out on another suicide mission." I whispered under my breath. "You got your answer Lieutenant now your dismissed, and the next time you..." The XO started in, I had had enough of the XO "Listen up you trustfund academy graduate! When you get sent out on a mission where your seconds away from death and your saying your final prayers..." "Lieutenant your way out of line!" The XO shouted back, "No Lieutenant, you have no place to speak!" I repsonded. The Colonel interjected by shouting "Both of you  calm down before I court martial you both! Now! We put Tulles as COGO for a reason we needed to see what he knew..." "You willingly put lives in danger?" I half shouted, "Calm down Lieutenant." the Colonel said in a steady voice "We can protect your family." "Sir?" "We have a secure location and screened team of Alpha's to watch over your family. You will lead a team that acts as our Rapid Reaction Force (RRF), in return I pull some strings." I wasn't usually quick to make decisions but this was different. I was silent. "Then it's settled well send the security team of Alpha's to get your family and Seamair will accompany them to the safe house, well notify you of their location when the time presents itself." The room was quiet for seveal moments, the XO and I stared at each other with sincere hatred and the Colonel simply looked at the wall planning his next move. The XO glanced at the Colonel and back at me and said "Watch yourself out their Venator." "Is that a threat?" I asked, "Just a tip, we learned it in military strategy class." He walked out of the command center leaving an errie silence between the Colonel and I. "William you can't let your emotions get in the way of your performance." The Colonel said, "I know sir," I sighed, "I know." "I was your age once, 17 confused..." "I wasn't born to be a soldier Colonel." "Your right you weren't born to be a soldier William, you were born to lead, to protect, to serve." He let the words sink in. The Colonel's steel gray eyes focused again and was back brass tacks.

"Sir may I suggest we include Omega Mako into the RRF?" I asked, "Are you sure? He's an Omega." "He's proven himself sir." "Very well." He held out his hand I shook it and said "God forbid your lying to me..." "Lieutenant I'm not lying to you."  

As I drove back to the house I thought of what I had just agreed to and what Candace and Emily would think. After explaining the decision to them and crying and arguing, we met at a common ground. There was a knock at the door and Mako poked his head in and said "These guys say there Alpha's but just wanted to make sure." I walked up to the door and found a black haired, blue-eyed man staring at me, I said "Name and mark." " Alpha Procellae." He lifted up his sleeve, three lines that looked like waves representing the winds of a hurricane. "Who sent you?" "The CO." "Good come on in." Mako let Procellae through the door and walked in behind him one of Mako's men took over the door as it was shut. After introducing Candace and Emily I looked at Procellae and said "So you have the safe house location correct?" "Of course sir." "Good." I paused and said "If anything happens to them on your watch I will gut you like a trout understand?" "Understood sir." I looked out the window on crutches was Seamair leaning against a rover, After leading Candace, Emily, Procellae and Mako out the front door I walked up to Seamair and before I could say a word he said "What no hospital visit?" "We were busy with Tulles, turns out he was a spy." "Was?" I nodded my head and said "Don't mention it around Luna. Watch over them I know there Alpha's but so was Tulles." "Got it. See you in a few weeks or how long did they say?" "They didn't. Hopefully not to long but the price of security for my family outweighs time." I shook Seamair's hand and turned and hugged Candace and Emily and said "Seamair's gonna be watching over you to." "Just remember what I told you the first day we met your not bulletproof." As I watched, my family drive away in the rovers I kept thinking was it best for them? Mako walked up to me, which brought me out of my trance, he said "So what do we do now sir?" "We train and we fight. Mako your now with me and the new RRF for the brass." "Roger that sir."

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