The Pretty One

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I wasn't the type of girl to look at just any guy. They had to be really attractive to catch my eye. Not that I was picky, just that I wasn't one to gawk.

So one day when I was sipping my coffee and my eyes bulged out of my head to stare at the guy ordering hot chocolate, it was for a good reason. I even had to clean my glasses to get a better look. Absentmindedly I twirled my pigtail on my index finger thinking of the life we would have together. Yes; I'm a little bit crazy, and no; I don't fantasize about a lot of guys.

When I saw that he was turning around I hurriedly looked down at the crossword puzzle I was working on. For some reason I had the gift of being able to stealthily check out guys so that's what I did. My pupils crept back and forth until I located him at the table to my right.

He had curly brown hair, brown eyes, a wide jaw, and a new yorker vibe about him. Tearing my eyes away from him I noticed I wasn't the only one checking him out. There was 2 or 3 other girls practically drooling over him.

Sighing I knew I would never get a guy like him. That male model was just too hot for me... besides I bet he's cocky anyway.

I stood up, grabbing my coffee and left. Once I was on the street the wind hit me hard, making my scarf blow away.

"Crap!" I screamed throwing my coffee in the dumpster and chasing after it. "Get back here!" I screamed at the inanimate object.

Suddenly my ankle got hooked on something and I tumbled to the ground. Letting out a groan of pain I rolled onto my back. In a moment my image of the clear blue sky got blocked by a concerned face, and I didn't mind.

Because it was Mr. Hottie.

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