Chapter 6

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Okay so this was supposed to be really long but when I got to this one part I felt that it would be a good place to end it. So I'll just try to make the next one long. :)


James' POV:

As we sat in the car I couldn't help but remarking in how crazy Bailey's family was. Her dad was a control freak, his mom was his sidekick, and Storm was.. very... well, unusual. It made everything more complicated I guess but also made me feel more relaxed, I didn't need to pretend to be perfect for them.

It was now that I realized the true complexity of the situation; we were in a car chase with a 17 year old girl at the wheel! I was in the passenger seat, if we got pulled over would I be held liable for not making her stop? Would this count as kidnapping?!

I gulped and turned to Storm. "Maybe you should stop."

"No, I've been trapped in that house for much too long, feeling like damn Rapunzel."

"Why? What happened?" Bailey put her hand on Storm's shoulder, genuinely concerned.

Storm sighed heavily and glanced at the mirror then back to the road. "Well mom and dad have been fighting." She pushed up her glassed with her index finger. "Sometimes over money, sometimes over moms boss, and sometimes I don't even know what there fighting about."

"Moms boss?" Bailey asked confused.

"Yeah," Storm sighed, "Dad thinks something's going on because she's been staying at work late."

"Watch out." I interrupted seeing their parents hot on our tail.

Storm's eyes widened as if she forgot where she was for a moment. After checking the mirror she had a look of determination and sped up. Out of the blue, without any warning, Storm made a turn. It fooled her mom and they ended up going straight.

"Stormy! That was close, don't do that again!" Bailey reprimanded holding her chest in horror.

Storm chuckled and slowed down to a legal speed limit. "Uh oh, here's trouble."

I looked behind us as I heard the sirens. She pulled over to the side of the road obediently and they pulled in behind us.

Storm groaned as she saw the officer take his time walking over. He was trying to look important with his hands on his waist and his doughnut belly protruding from under his shirt. Once he reached the window Storm rolled it down and he stuck his bald head through. "Problem officer?" She said sweetly.

"Are you aware that you were going well over the speed limit?" He asked in his gruff voice.

"Yes sir I am. And I'll let you know that I'm not someone who makes excuses but I would like to explain." Storm nervously rang her hands together in her lap.

"Well go ahead then."

I cringed, here it is... "Well there's these guys from downtown and they're always causing trouble, they started following us because one of them used to date my sister and they're still sour about the breakup." My eyes widened and Bailey nodded solemnly. "Then they started yelling swear words out of their windows and I got scared so I started speeding." The girls looked terrified thinking back to the events, I almost believed them. "Then they started chasing us all over so I turned the corner and lost them, that's when we saw you officer. You probably scared them off."

"Well why were you three out this late in the first place." The officer questioned. I looked at my watch; it was only 6:30.

"We were going to my apartment." I said.

"License and registration." I cringed again, she was 17 for goodness sakes. We left out of the blue, she wouldn't have that stuff.

"Right away sir." She said leaning over me and grabbed her wallet and registration from the dashboard.

He looked at it skeptically before handing it back with a sigh. "Your free to go, no more speeding."

"Thank you so much officer!" Storm exclaimed with an award winning smile.

It was then that I learned not to underestimate that girl...

"Oh, and good luck with that." He said pointing to the diamond ring on Bailey's finger. Uh oh.... From the confusion on Storms face as she gazed at Bailey's imitation diamond ring I realized she didn't know... Bailey cringed but said nothing as the officer walked away.

Stiffly Storm turned back toward the steering wheel and started the car. "Where do you live?" She whispered hoarsely at me.

"Take a right." I said as the tension in the car rose to a deafening high.

Once we got to my hotel she turned off the car and strode right into the place without bothering to wait for us. "Why didn't you tell her?" I asked after I couldn't take the silence anymore.

"I didn't get the chance..."

"I don't mean today. Why didn't you tell her when we were going out? Or when I popped the question?" I asked getting frustrated, I really wanted to make a good impression on her family!

"Because... Because! Well, I didn't think..."

"Didn't think what?" I probed.

"I didn't think it would actually happen!" She spat out angry, mostly at herself no doubt.

"Okay then." I nodded opening my door and slamming it behind me. I couldn't believe the one girl I actually was serious about, wasn't serious about me!

Stomping into the hotel I wondered if we were really madly deeply in love with each other or just wanted to be.

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