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《Mitch's POV》

I can't believe I just said that.. We have to tell the guys someday. They're like a family to us, but what if they don't accept us. What if they kick us out of Team Crafted, what if they don't wanna be friends anymore if we tell them. This is too much. I just need to relax. I hurt Jerome by saying that, I could see it in his eyes. It hurt me too, I don't want to keep such a huge secret from my friends. But I also don't want us to look like a huge mistake. They won't be mad, they can't be. Especially Adam and Ty. Pretty sure they have a thing.. And who knows, maybe even Jason and Tyler have a thing.. I gotta talk to Jerome.

《Jerome's POV》

I am so confused. Why wouldn't Mitch want the others to know? The guys mean the world to me, they're my family. I have to talk to Mitch, we need to figure this all out. I got up and walked towards the door, opening it I found Mitch on the other side. "Oh um..Jerome.. I need to talk to you." I looked at Mitch, his brown eyes were perfect. His voice sounded like velvet, he is perfect. "Im sorry about what I said earlier, u couldn't think of anything" I pulled Mitch inside not wanting to hear more. I quickly take his face in my hands and being him closer. I begin to softly kiss his lips, they were so smooth. Mitch began to kiss back, I could feel his hands on my hips, my hands landed on his waist, slowly moving downward.


Sorry for the short chapter guys!


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