Chapter 9

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Alex’s P.O.V


Isabelle and I were running back and forth to each side of the counter while I was trying to catch her. She somehow got past me and ran upstairs. I went after her, following close behind. She was fast but not fast enough. I caught her by her waist at the top of the stairs, picked her up and carried her into her room.


“Alex, let me down!” She yelled, not being able to hide her laughter and hit my back.


“Gladly.” I said before placing her down on the floor. I didn’t hesitate to attack her sides again. She lost her balance though, falling backwards onto her bed making me fall on top of her as she did. Our laughter filled the room and when it stopped, I realized just how close her face was to mine, making my cheeks go hot. I wanted to kiss her, I really did. Her lips looked so soft and inviting. She was so beautiful. Her dark blue hair looking just a little brighter in the sunlight shining through, going together so well with her even brighter green eyes. My eyes were locked on hers and I leaned in, closing them slowly. I could feel her breath on my lips sending chills down my spin. Was I really going to do this ?


No I wasnt.


I rolled off of her, putting my head in my hands and groaned in frustration.


“Sorry.” she said, sitting up.


“It’s not you.” I said, sitting up next to her.


“Oh.” was all she said before getting up and straightening out her shirt.


But do you know who it was ? It was Jack. I couldn’t do that to him. He’s my best friend and not to mention that she’s his little sister. I know that if I had a younger sister I wouldn’t want any of the guys over her so it wouldn’t be right to do that to him, no matter how much my feelings were growing on her. I had to push them to the back of my mind and allow them to go away.


“Come on. It’s gotta be almost 5:30 and like you said, I have to be at Rian’s before the gig.” I said standing up.


“Yeah, right.” she said, walking past me and out of her room. I followed her down the hallway and the stairs when she came to a stop, almost making me fall down.


“What is it ?” I asked.


She turned around, facing me with a confused look.


“How do you suppose we get there ?” she asked, turning to face me.


“My car ?” I said like she was the most clueless person alive.


“Since when do you drive ?”


“Uh, since I was 16.” I stated with a smirk, trying to hold back the laughter wanting to come out because of the still puzzled expression.


“but I’ve never seen you drive..and you ride the bus.” she said.


“Yes, I do. You never see me drive because one, why waste the gas when I can just take the bus. Two, this is the one time we’ve seen each other besides school and band practice since we met a week ago.” I said.


She nodded slowly and turned back around, continuing her way down the stairs. A thought then occurred to me.  

"“Why don’t you drive ?” "

I hadn’t paid much attention until now to the fact that she walked, took the bus, or road with Jack all the time.

"let's just say my drivers test didn't go too swiftly." was all she said before jumping down the last two steps.

"better be careful shorty. wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." I said.

"shut it gaskarth." she said walking out the door.

"my house is only about two blocks away. let's get walking." I followed after her.


Hey you guys.

I know it's been literally forever since I've updated and I know this update isn't all that good but I've been gone out of state for a while but I'm back and I'm trying to get back in the swing of things on here. I've missed writing so I'm happy to get back. I hope everyone has been great and see you guys next update.

much love xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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