Chapter 1

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Isabelle's P.O.V

I walked down my street, the cold fierce wind hitting my face, causing me to hug myself closer for warmth. I was on my way to hell or what normal people called it, school. I hated going there every single day but at times, it wasn't so bad I guess.

Now, I'm not your "normal" teenage girl some people would say. I have navy blue hair that goes across my forehead and falls pass my shoulders. I wear basically skinny jeans, sweatshirts and band tees, along with vans and converse. My nose is pierced and I have a tattoo of an owl on my right hand with my brothers named wrapped around it in cursive. The music I listen to is not "acceptable" in my school and whenever it was up too loud and people could hear it, I would constantly get laughs and whispered words. Although, no matter how much of an outcast I was, I never got bullied.

I heard a loud beep of a horn and jumped back as it startled me, knocking me out of thought. I hadn't realized I had walked into the middle of the street, resulting in me almost getting hit by a car.

I shook my head and continued to look down as I walked away, not bothering to say something to the driver or wave my hand in a form of an apology. Continuing the long walk to school, I shoved my earphones in blasting 'New Found Glory'

About 20 minutes later and I was met with the cold, hard, red bricked school. I sighed, shaking my head. This was the first time I've been in school since my brother passed away a month ago. The thought brought tears to my eyes and I was quick to blink them back.

I wasn't going to cry, not in school anyway.

I walked in and headed to my locker when a pair of hands covered my eyes from behind. I stopped in my tracks, slowly taking my headphones out, not turning back just yet.

"Guess who ?" a familiar voice said.

I smiled instantly, turning around and engulfed my best friend, Kalie, into a bone crushing hug.

"I missed you!" I said, holding her even tighter.

"Awh, I missed you too!" she said back, matching my excited tone.

After a few moments we pulled apart, both with smiling faces. Her's probably more real than mine. It wasn't that I was disappointed to see her, I was ecstatic to see my best friend after such a long time, I just wasn't that happy in general anymore.

"Text and phone calls just aren't enough." she said.

I nodded in agreement, gathering my books out of my locker.

I was grateful Kalie hadn't brought up anything about my brother or asked how I was doing. That's the one great thing about my best friend. She wouldn't push, attack you with questions.

"Let's go to Spanish!" she chimed. She was always way too happy for this class, as it was her favorite and my most hated.

I groaned and she pulled me by my hand to our class.


Once we took our seats near the back, I sat there waiting for the teacher to announce what we were doing considering I had no idea what has been going on this last month. Minus some worksheets that were sent home.

"Okay class, today we are making a family tree. Now, I know that you did this in the beginning of the year but this time you will be writing about each member on your tree." my teacher announced with too much enthusiasm.

I could feel my chest tighten up and breathing got more difficult as tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

No. I can't do this. Not right now. I can't.

I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder and looked up. I didn't even have to say a word before Kalie told our teacher I wasn't feeling well and she was going to take me out. She took me out of the class room and we made it halfway down the hallway before I fell to my knees in a fit of tears.

"Isabelle, please calm down." Kalie pleaded. She sounded scared but I couldn't listen. More and more tears fell as images of my brothers accident flooded through my mind.

"Make it stop!" I screamed as the pressure in my chest got heavier and everything went black.


Alex's P.O.V

I walked into class a bit early and took my seat near the window, taking out my headphones and iPod, turning on Blink-182 and Green Day. Since I had a good 10 minutes before class started, I got my notebook out and wrote down lyrics that came to mind.

The bell rang, too quickly, signaling that class was starting. I put my notebook in my bag and looked towards the doorway. A smile formed on my face when I saw Isabelle walk in with her friend Kalie, I think it was. I was sort of shocked to see her here since she hasn't been in school in a month. I thought she had moved.

She took her seat in the back and I couldn't stop looking at her. She was beautiful, had a cute smile and awesome music taste. I could tell from all the band shirts she wore.

Dammit Alex. Stop staring, you seem like a complete creep.

"Okay class, today we are making a family tree. Now, I know that you did this in the beginning of the year but this time you will be writing about each member on your tree." my teacher announced.

I internally groaned and rolled my eyes and an uneasy feeling took me over at the thought of having to write about my brother. I bit my lip to fight back the tears and took a deep breath.

Its been 5 years since my brother killed himself and it still hurt like hell. It felt like being stabbed repeatedly every time I thought about it.

"Mrs. Young, Isabelle's not feeling too well. I'm gonna take her out." Kalie said.

I looked over to Kalie, seeing Isabelle shaking. I could tell she couldn't breathe and her eyes were full of harsh tears and pain. I knew that sight too well.

She wasn't just not feeling well, she was having a panic attack.

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