Chapter 2

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Isabelle's P.O.V

I woke up, slowly opening my eyes as the light was so bright. Once my eyes adjusted, I sat up quickly, not realizing where I was. That was until I looked down at the bed I was sitting on and the smell of disinfectant filled my nose.

I was in the school clinic.

I sighed and put my head in my hands.

"How did I get in here ?" I mumbled to myself.

"You had a panic attack dear." a voice said.

I jumped back, not realizing the nurse had walked in.

"What ?"

She sighed, taking a seat on the chair beside the bed. "Isabelle sweetie, you had a panic attack. You passed out and your friend, Kalie, I believe, brought you here. You've been out for almost 2 hours."

2 hours. What the fuck. I thought back, remembering what happened and shuttered at the thought.

"Do you know what could have triggered it ?" the nurse asked, her voice soft.

I knew exactly what did but didn't respond. Instead I fought back the tears once again today.

The nurse sighed, putting her hand on my shoulder. "Your mom is on her way to get you and your friend, Kalie, is outside the room. Would you like her to come in ?" she asked.

I nodded, not trusting my voice and watched her walk out of the room and return a few moments later with my best friend. Her eyes were puffy and red like she'd been crying. She looked exhausted. She ran up to me, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry." I said, my voice cracking.

"It's not your fault, Iz. Everything's going to be okay. Now let get you home, your moms outside waiting." she said before we made our way out of the school.


The car ride home was silent for the most part. Other than my mom asking if I felt any better. I told her I was but to be honest, I didn't. I felt like jumping out of this moving car but I wouldn't let her know that. I could tell she had been crying earlier and it was probably my fault.

Why did I have to react like that. To something as small as writing about my brother.

"Sweetie, we're home." my mom said, taking me out of my thoughts.

I got out of the car and walked inside my home. There was an overwhelming smell of bleach.

Mom had been cleaning again..She's been doing it a lot lately. It was sort of her way to deal with the pain, distracting herself. Her way was better than my way. So was Jack's, my other older brother. He would write music, we never got to hear it though, he kept it to himself.

I jumped at the feeling of two arms wrapping around me.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Jack said. His voice was raspy just like Kaile's had been.

I hugged him back, trying my best not to break down right in front of him.

"What happened ? Mom wouldn't tell me." He asked, as we pulled away. His eyes were red and puffy too, still glistening with tears.

"I-I had a pan-panic attack." I said barley audible. Jack didn't relax but got more tense.

"Why ?" he asked.

I couldn't hold back anymore and collapsed, almost hitting the floor, before Jack caught me.

"Shh, It's okay. Shh." he said, tracing circles on my back in attempt to calm me down but it only made me cry harder.

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