15: Reunion

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Scott POV

Everyone arrives at Derek's loft bright and early. I can smell the nerves and excitement in the air. As I walk into the loft with my mom by my side, I can see that everyone is there, ready to go. I notice a light in everyone's eyes that I haven't seen for a while. "Are you guys ready to go?" I ask hopefully.

"Yep, let's go!" Liam cheers excitedly. With that, we all make our way out of the loft back towards the cars. We split up into groups and get into a few of the larger cars. It'll be better if we don't take as many cars with us on this trip. It'll cost less. Besides, I think it'll just be nicer to travel with more people. As I walk towards the car that I am getting into, I look around me nervously. For some strange reason, I feel like I'm being watched. "What is it?" Malia asks with a frown as she notices my concerned expression. "Nothing. I just thought that someone was watching us, but I can't see or hear anything." I shrug.

"Okay, if you're sure..." Malia replies.

"I am." I insist. I don't want to put this trip off any longer. School was a nightmare to get through. All I've been thinking about is seeing Stiles again. I'm not going to let my paranoia stop that from happening. Malia shrugs and starts walking over to the cars again. I quickly follow her. We all jump into the cars, me being one of the designated drivers. It has been decided that I will be leading the way, since I have been to this place the most. Everyone is chattering excitedly as I close my door and buckle up. I glance to my side to see Malia looking at me with hope. I smile at her before I turn to the back to see Liam, Isaac and Hayden chatting away happily. "Are you guys ready? It's a long drive." I ask the three teenagers.

"Yeah! Let's go! I want to see this dragon!" Liam cheers.

"You mean Stiles." I correct him.

"Yes, of course I mean Stiles. I'm so happy that I'll be able to see him again after all this time, but it'll also be so cool to see a dragon! I didn't even know that they existed." Liam replies excitedly. I chuckle at his enthusiasm.

"Well, they're very large and intimidating, that's for sure." I tell Liam as I turn back around and face the front. I turn the keys in the ignition, the engine roaring to life. The other cars are waiting for me to take the lead. I glance over at Malia again. "In a way, I know how Stiles feels. Well, sort of. I was stuck in the body of a coyote for years. I got used to it though. I even began to enjoy it. Being a wild animal is so much easier than being human. Do you think Stiles will be like that too?" Malia asks curiously. I consider the question for a moment.

"From the way he acted around me, I wouldn't think so. However, you were a coyote for half your life. Stiles has been a dragon for only a year and a bit, which is still a long time, but not as long. Also, Stiles was a lot older than you when he was turned into a dragon. He already had an idea of who he was and who he wanted to be. Children are more easily ready to adapt to huge changes, as they are still trying to find out who they are. Still, once we do find a way to change him back to human, I think he might have a bit of a difficult time adjusting. He might have to relearn simple things, such as walking and talking. Other than that though, I think he will be okay." I answer after careful consideration. Malia nods in understanding. "Are you going to help him?" Malia asks, tilting her head slightly.

"Of course." I reply instantly. Was that even a necessary question? There is no doubt in my mind that I would help Stiles recover from this ordeal. He is my best friend and I love him, maybe a little too much. Malia smiles sweetly at me. "Good. I want to help him too." She replies. I smile and nod in acknowledgement before I finally push down slowly on the accelerator pedal and drive out of the parking lot, the rest of the pack in the other cars quickly following behind me.

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