3. Inequality

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"Men don't cry."

But how can they not cry when gender equality is not so equal?
When the number of unreported male rapes is skyrocketing.
How, when an abused man is still society's laughing stock?

Men are expected to pay the bills.
He mustn't earn less than his woman.
How can we even expect that when we know very well that business and even employment opportunities are given to women these days?
How? When, in politics, a female candidate automatically gets free points just for being a woman.
Now where's gender equality in that?

Everyone and everything is more lenient towards women.
More days in the national calendar are reserved for women.
I don't see any of the twelve months of the year being called a Men's Month.
More often than not, you find that it is women who win child custody cases.
Why is that?

Men must be gentleman while women must have doors opened for them.
Women must be spoken to nicely even when they, themselves, aren't speaking very nicely.
Women must be pampered, taken out on dates.
Men must buy them weaves, clothes, shoes and handbags.
But with what money?
They are the ones getting all the jobs, remember?

I have nothing against women.
All I'm saying is that there shouldn't be anything wrong with showing men a bit of appreciation.
I'm saying opportunities should be granted, not according to gender, but to how deserving that individual is.
Because I believe that if this does not happen, men will keep being oppressed and people will keep being ignorant to this.

Men are silently suffering out there but no one wants to acknowledge that because, like they say, men don't cry.


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