«Chapter One» The beginning

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The red sticky liquid that flows through your vains, is the thing that brought pain to me in the world....
My eyes watch the fire dance and change to yellow and orange every second, I listened to Mika and the new guy talking. I move my legs to my chest for more warmth my chin laying in between the crack between my knees that they can't fill, my checks a dust of pink from the warmth of the fire I've been watching for hours. I felt a pair of little light brown eyes looking at me up and down, he moved closer to me placing his head on my side a light smile coming to my lips. "Y/n why you sad?"
My smile fades and my gaze looks at my s/c feet the stinging tears I know to well coming to my eyes.

I let myself relax to let Taichi sit on my lap, he noticed this and sat on my lap soon looking up at me as he did. I cross my legs and place my chin on his fluffy mess of brown hair getting a giggle from him. He held onto his teddy tight as I held onto him hiding in his hair. We both watch the fire dance till Taichi asked for a story.
"Y/n story please!"
Everyone gasped and giggled running over to where me and Taichi were sitting, Mika and the new kid coming over slowly as they wanted to hear my story. I let a sigh out as Mika sits next to me with the smile he wears to hide his pain.

"Long, long ago there lived a god by the name Seppen he was the god of snow. He spent every year carefully making each snowflake different giving them their own story that they could tell while they fell from his home. Seppen was a very sad and lonely god, his older brother Fuyu the god of winter left him. Seppen wanted love and a family but no one cared for a cold and sad god like himself. But one day a beautiful goddess with long blond hair and eyes as bright as the sky ran through a field where Seppen was. He fell in love with her at her beauty and kind nature, he grew shy not able to talk to her so he went back to his cold and unwelcoming home...."
I take a breath as everyone looked at me wanting to know the rest of the story, so I continue.
"One day the gods had to have a meeting to talk about the doing of the angles, as Seppen was walking to the grand hall he bumped into the fine lady he saw in the field. They began to talk as they went to the meeting he found out she was the goddess of light and her name was Hikari, through the years they slowly fell in love her not caring if he was cold or warm but that he was a lovely person that cared for her. They had a child by the name of Yuki, she looked after the snow and light when her parents died. Seppen and Hikari mixed together made the light shine like a rainbow in the snowflakes that their daughter makes. The end!"
The new guy scoffed as everyone cheered, I look behind Mika to see the new guys arms crossed and a angry look on his face. I couldn't move because Taichi was asleep and it was super cute.

The care taker sent everyone to bed leaving me, Mika, new guy and Taichi. "That was a great story Y/n where'd you get the idea?"
I shrug my shoulders at Mika as he smiles at me like usual.
"Oh! This it Yuichiro, but just call him Yuu."
I nod placing my chin back on Taichi's head.
I mumble to Yuu not really wanting to talk.
"What's the matter?"
My e/c orbs look into Mika's breath taking blue eyes.
"Nothing... Just what Taichi asked me a little while ago..."
I trail off looking at the fire tears in my eyes.

"What did he ask?" I place my head into Taichi's hair and quickly putting my hood on hiding not want to tell Mika anything. "I...don't want to say.." I bite my lip trying so hard to fight the tears that I hide from everyone. "I... understand." Mika says in a soft and soothing voice, I grip onto Taichi even more as tears fall from my eyes. As we where sitting in silence a loud bang went off out side along with screams and crying, I get up Taichi waking up scared and gripping onto my hand rubbing his eyes with his other hand. I go to the window Mika and Yuu behind me, everyone burst through the door along with the care taker. As we get to the window yellow and orange flames where dancing around the place along with grey smoke. Bodies of many people on the ground children screaming and crying as they stood next to their parents, me Mika and Yuu look behind us to see the care taker vomiting blood and blood coming from her nose. My hand goes over Taichi's eyes so he doesn't have to see the horrible sight of someone dying, a light gasp comes from Mika and everyone else tears falling down their faces.

I heard a bang on the door making my hand go off of Taichi's eyes. "EVERYONE WE NEED TO RUN!" I quickly but Taichi on my back everyone began to follow me Mika looking at me worried. The door of the room we all are in flew open showing a person with long silver hair and a smirk, my grip on Taichi's leg tighten as I look at the window biting my lip. "Everyone follow me!" I whisper to everyone, I run up to the clear glass breaking it gasp coming from everyone but they all followed. I land on my feet everyone falling a little as they landed, my gaze looks up to see the person with silver hair looking down at us surprised. "Run even if it means leaving us... we'll find each other again I promise if we don't I'll get punished for what I did!" I whisper to the group getting a few gasp but we soon began to run as fast as we could tears running down our faces and our fast breaths for air. I felt another presents it felt the same as the guy that was at home, I quickly put Taichi down and jump in front of Yuu to be held by the neck in the air. "Y/N!!!" Everyone stopped yelling my name as I struggled, my eyes looked into the souls less eyes of a....



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