«Chapter Two» Blood

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"Vampire." My voice is shaky and a whisper, I look at my feet as I sit in the medical bed I awoke in. The tangy smell of blood and alcohol wipes sting my nose making me quickly cover my nose from the horrid smell. The light chat of medical people in the corner of the health chamber, I look around to see a few medical beds and people within there covers. Most of them injured or looked extremely ill, what happened?

That's when it hit me...

"MIKA!!!!" I jump from my bed but fall right after I stood, that's when a nurse came running to me. She helped me up and placed me on the bed I was on, she gave a smile as she picked up a clipboard. "Y/n... that's all that on here... mmm..." she looks at me confused she started tapping her pen on the clipboard. "Where's all your other information? It's just like you popped into the world." She wasn't asking me questions I figured that out after she kept repeating her words like she was a broken radio.

"Get away fucker we want to see our friend!!!!" My eyes light up at that voice, Yuu. I smile as the blonde and raven haired boys walk in, the nurse turns to see them both. "Oh I'll leave you with Y/n..." she potters off to god knows where, Mika jumps onto me hugging me tight. "Thank god y/n! We were scared that you were dead." His grip tightens on me and I have a slight smile, did they really miss me? I stay still as Mika holds me tight his blonde fluff of hair tickling my nose, Yuu glares at me he looked like he wanted to attack me and made sure my body wasn't found.

"Are you ok Y/n?" I look at Mika giving him a weak smile, I give a slight nod even though I didn't feel well or ok at all. A nurse walks up with a tray and a smile on her face. "You would be hungry little miss?" I gave a smile and nod, she smiles back placing the tray on my lap, I look at the food for a few second my stomach turning in disgust. I pick up one of the sandwiches trying to make it go down, I gave a weak smile to the nurse right after vomiting up the bite I took of the sandwich along with a heap of my blood. The nurse gasps coving Mika and Yuu's eyes, I whimper as my blood continues to pool out of my mouth tears streaming down my face.

"DOCTOR!!!!" The nurse screams pulling Mika and Yuu with her away from me, a doctor runs out to see me he quickly grab some equipment trying his best to help me. Pumping more blood into me but my body kept rejecting it my screams of pain beginning to fill the room, other patients look at me full of worry and concern. I begin to pant, looking down at my blood my eyes shinning a bright red. "Blood...." the sweet smell filled my lungs bring the ting of pleasure to me, the doctor slowly walked up to me placing a hand on me. I can hear his heart I can feel his pulse, i wonder what his blood taste like.

I jump up and attack the man drinking his blood from his neck making sure I take every drop from him making sure his pale and dried out. I hear everyone scream, I slowly pull away from the man looking at them with my head tilted. I freeze when I see Mika... he looks terrified... is he scared of me?..... why?....

I fall to the floor whimpering tears falling from my eyes, a door slams open the scent of a group of vampires filling my lungs. "A new one, What a surprise." I whimper looking up to see the man that haunts me that took me from my home that.... that.... "AHHHH!" I jump onto him attacking him, he throws me into a wall I growl my h/c hair coving my face but my bright red eyes shining through.

"My my you're a frisky one aye." The vampire with silver hair says sassily towards me, I growl about to attack again but was held back by two vampires. I kick my legs screaming and trying it snap at them, the silver haired vampire chuckles and picks up the man I killed. "Now now everyone lets get back to work." A grin lights his face as he walks out me being pulled along with the two vampires holding me tight. "LET ME GO!!!!!" I snap thrashing around my screams echoing through the halls, the silver haired vampire huffs rolling his eyes. "Why can't you shut up and be a good little girl." I growl at his words causing him to chuckle his eyes looking over his shoulder at me.

"FUCK YOU!!!! YOU'RE A CREEP!!!!" I scream at him making him stop in his tracks, he slowly turns on his heels to look at me a death glare taking his eyes. "You better shut your mouth or the queen won't even lay eyes on you child!!!" His voice sunk into my skin like venom, my eyes glued wide and I freeze. The vampire tusks turning back on his heels and going on his way, his little minions following him.

I get dragged down many halls, many doors and many fantastically painted pictures. Red carpet gracing the halls mixing with the white like heaven, doors and walls rush past making it difficult to retrace my steps. I let slow breaths out giving up on doing a thing, may as well allow them to take me. They want me this bad, no?

All I think in that moment is that I can't wait for tomorrow...

All I think in that moment is that I can't wait for tomorrow

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