Chapter 7.

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We arrived at a fair , it was huge! I was surprised of knowing that there were so many people! Well it was the last day.

Looking back at Felix, his eyes were wide and He was in awe.

"It's the last day." I mentioned while he looked around, now smiling. Jumping up and down in his seat, just like a child.

"Cry this is amazing!!!!" He kept on smiling as we looking for a parking spot.

"Of course.  I should of known." I groan , unhappy. Walking wasn't too bad. "Well, we'll have to walk a few blocks." Pewds smile didn't leave his  lips, and he looked at me.

"I don't mind, as long as were going!" I smiled at him and drove a few blocks down and found a spot by a police station. I didn't like cops.. We parked and I quickly grabbed my stuff and jumped out. Felix was already out next to me.

"You seem excited too Cry!" His face full of smile , I looked at the police station. Suddenly snapping out of it.

"Hell yes! Let's go!" I grabbed his hand and We ran a few blocks,out of breath We walked the rest of the way. Realizing we were holding hands, I pulled away quickly and he realized as soon as I did. His hair covered his face but We both knew I knew he was blushing. I smirked and his face grew redder. Suddenly screams came behind us making us jump. Two brunettes came flying in front of us.

"It's Cry and Pewdiepie!!! "They kept screaming making me shush them.

"Shhh!!!  Not so loud ladies! " I said making them quiet. They smiled insanely and Pewdie laughed.

"Hey bro's! Want a picture?" The nodded and We all talked until We reached the fair. The two girls names were Rachel and Morgan. They begged us to go on one ride with them so We shrugged and did. We paid and went on a roller coaster, they were so loud it made me half deaf. It was crazily fun, the adrenaline ran through me, making me scream as much as the girls. Pewdie laughed the whole time because I was screaming like a girl.

They thanked us and left.  We were walking around when I saw a fun house. You know, the one with the scary pop ups and crazy mirrors? I smiled crazily and grabbed Felix's arm suddenly pulling him with me to the fun house, he hesitated at first then realized what I was referring to and walked with me. We passed people who were staring at us, I felt uncomfortable with it. I actually had forgotten how uncomfortable I was with people. I kept walking and kept my head down to avoid more of the unwanted attention of people. We stopped in line and I didn't even want to look up, I was too uncomfortable with my surroundings. "Cry?" I heard Felix say in a light tone. I kept my eyes glued to the ground.

"Pewdiepie!" I heard more screams and still didn't even choose to look up. People kept our attention on us and I heard people around me whisper.

"Why is he wearing that mask? What a freak. What is he wearing?" I clenched my fist as Pewds was smiling taking pictures with his fans. Why had I decided on this?

"And this is Cry. " Pewds pulled me by him and placed his arm around my neck, my head shot up quickly. I had saw about five girls who were smiling at me. 

"Cryaotic?!" They knew of me??

"Yep! He's my bro. Were spending the day together." One of the girls looked at me and bit her lip. A blush spreaded on my face before I could actually react.

"H-ey! Sup?" I asked and they all talked at once making me feel naked in this whole place. I looked around seeing millions of eyes on us, more gatherings and talking. We were definitely the center of attention. I wanted to run away so badly but obviously I couldn't. He kept talking and I was completely freaking the fuck out. This attention, this place, these people, their eyes.. I began to breathe uneasily and was beginning to lose my self within seconds. 

Our Story. ( A pewdiecry Fanfiction.)Where stories live. Discover now