Chapter Two

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By Friday night Charlotte and Renée had reviewed the CCTV footage at least 20 times, run Leo and Charlie's imagine through the FBI, CIA and anything with letters, but they were ghosts. Of course, so were they. But as they made their way to dinner that night Charlotte couldn't shift the uneasy feeling in her stomach and the voice in her head that kept telling her they were trouble. Two boys don't just sneak into a high security spy school just to say hi to her, no there was something else they was after. After all, getting caught was punishable in ways that have been illegal for years. They were serious, what they was after was serious. As she and Renée slid into their seats at dinner and picked at their pasta, Renée seemed to read Charlotte's mind. "What if it was you they really came to see?" She whispered, in French. "No." Charlotte shot back. "No, not you for you. What if you have access, special access, to what they wanted?" And that was an excellent point, one that Charlotte had already thought of. "But I don't have special access to anything." Charlotte said, abandoning their French assignment. "Your mind does." Renée whispered, just as their Covert Operations teacher strolled past. "Pop quiz." Miss. Morgan smiled. "Grab your coats and meet me out front in ten.

As Charlotte circled the town square the two boys from the hallway faded from her mind. She knew there was a police officer 3 feet away and that the south wall held 3 different security cameras and alarms. She knew her friends were spread out around her, acting as normal as teenage spy's in training know how to act. She passed Renée at the burger stand and stopped, "are they good?" Charlotte asked. Renée shrugged. "Our chefs are better." But she still waited in line and bought one, because she was hungry. Charlotte and Renée shared a bench at the north end of the town square eating their burgers, their friends milled around them. Browsing in shop windows, sitting on the benches, complaining about no phone service. They were doing completely normal teenager-y things, that is, to the normal person watching. When Charlotte got up and smiled to Renée, she looked like a friend heading home. The man didn't even see her tail him half way across the square. She was so close, if she had just walked a second faster she might've seen the car he got into, which direction he went in. But in a split second, she was being grabbed and dragged into a small cramped alley way.

"Get off me." Charlotte kicked and punched. "That hurt." The boy groaned, she recognised the voice but she didn't hit less harder. "We've got you, give it up." She looked up at Charlie and rolled her eyes. "There's 20 girls out there, and my teacher. They'll worry..they'll.." She stuttered over the words, because Charlie wasn't getting scared or worried, he just smiled at her and shook his head. "What?" She asked, but he didn't say a word as he finally let go of her. "Nice of you to drop by." She spun around at the Welsh accent. "Leo, why can't you just leave me alone?" Charlotte said, stepping forward now. "And who's the one that's run my photo through every security database in Europe?" Leo grinned and Charlotte seriously wanted to know how he'd found out about that, when Renée stepped into the alley way. "Charlotte..did you.." She trailed off when she saw the two boys. "Wait, aren't these..?" She asked, not really finishing her sentence. "Yep." Charlotte nodded. "Why did you break into our school?" Renée shot at them but Leo just laughed. "You really need to work on your interrogation tactics." Charlie said, folding his arms. "Is it true..?" Renée started, stepping toward Leo. "No." Charlotte cut her off, shaking her head. "Don't." Leo smirked. "What?" He tilted his head. "That I killed her mum?" A silence fell over them, before Leo finally leaned back against the brick wall and said, "what do you think?"

Well, Charlotte thought Leo was a little bit crazy. She took a step back, bumping into Charlie. "I can prove it." She whispered, still backing away from her friends and her back up, deeper into the alley way. Leo stepped forward, his hands shoved into his pockets. "You can't prove something that didn't happen." Charlotte wanted to scream, to shout, but her voice was just a whisper as she said, "but I saw you." Leo laughed a slow, quick laugh. "Prove it." His voice was cold, harsh, as he dared her. He reached out to touch her, but she pulled away from his grasp. Before Leo could say anything else or Charlie could grab her, Charlotte spun on her heels and started down the cramped alley way. She heard Renée calling for her, she heard their footsteps behind her but she didn't stop. Not even as the rain lashed down, keeping rhythm with her feet as it pounded the floor. She didn't know where she was running, not when she reached a street and turned left, not when she hid in a shed as Leo and Charlie ran past. She held her breathe, counted to ten, before heading in the other direction not even daring to look back. Charlotte didn't care about all the rules she was breaking, about the nation wide search party the school was probably organising for her right now. She didn't care, as she climbed up a metal fence and landed like a cat on the other side. She knew exactly where the monition sensors were as she zig-zagged through the trees and the overgrown woodlands. She could barely catch her breathe as the old house came into view. It wasn't grand or anything, actually it was more of a shack than a house. It's old wooden door was hanging off all but one hinge, and the windows were smashed and dusty. A rocking chair creaked on the front porch, swaying with the wind. A crow squawked from within the woodland, and spy training or not, Charlotte wanted to turn around and run right out of there. But she didn't, she just stood there, frozen, looking at the house as if it were a mirror into the past.

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I hope you enjoyed!

I n s t a g r a m: pengmendes

- Naomi x

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