Chapter Nine

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2 years later;

The sun rose on the horizon above the sea, Charlotte stood on the balcony. She held a cup of coffee but she didn't drink. "What ya doing?" Leo asked, coming to stand besides her. "Thinking." She said, not even turning to look at the boy. "Do you know what day it is?" Charlotte eventually asked Leo. "Eh..Monday?" Leo asked, quickly grabbing his phone to check. She couldn't help but roll her eyes and laugh. "No, not Monday, Leo." She snapped, setting her coffee down on the table. "Oh, okay." Leo said, as if he was genuinely shocked at why she was so annoyed. Charlotte turned and walked inside their apartment, Leo leaned against the doorframe and watched her. "Would you rather it be a Wednesday?" He called, biting back a laugh. Charlotte stopped and stared at him. "You're not funny, Leo." She said, before saying. "It's July 7th." She took a deep breathe. "6 years ago I killed my mother." She grabbed a suitcase and reached for the apartment door, but Leo was too quick. He grabbed her hand, forcing her to stop and look at him. "Where are you going?" He asked, but he already knew the answer. "I'm sick of hiding out here." Charlotte said, gesturing to the space around them. "I'm sick of pretending like nothing ever happened, I'm sick of it." She shook Leo's hand off her now, reaching for the door again. This time Leo didn't try and stop her as she stepped out into the warm sun light. "I'm going home, I need to know what happened." She lingered in the doorway for too long, as if waiting for something else. "Did you forget something?" Leo asked, Charlotte couldn't tell if he was teasing her or being serious. "You promised we'd go back, I can't do this without you." Leo smirked, he reached into a wardrobe and pulled out a ready packed suitcase all spies keep, just in case they have to run. "I guess now's as good a time as any."

Charlotte pulled her jacket tighter around her as they stepped off the aeroplane. "It's colder than I remember." She said, Leo laughed. Charlotte started following the rest of the passengers towards the airport, until Leo grabbed her arm and stopped her. He pulled her away from everyone and smiled. "What are you doing?" She asked, her hair blew in the wind, but she didn't move it out of her eyes. "We're taking a detour." Leo said, turning and staring at the runway. "What are you on about?" Charlotte asked, as Leo began to drag her across the airport towards a car that sat idling, waiting. It wasn't until they got within a foot that Charlotte realised it was waiting for them. The passenger door swung open and Charlotte stared at the boy sat in the drivers seat. "Hey stranger." Charlie smirked at her. "Get in." Leo said, practically shoving Charlotte into the passenger seat as he climbed into the back of the black Land Rover. Dark glasses covered Charlie's eyes as he drove. "What are you doing here?" Charlotte asked, Charlie glanced at her. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" They didn't say another word. "Security have clocked us." Leo reported from the back seat, he shared a worried glance with Charlotte. "Hang on." Charlie said, swerving left and sending the car skidding.

Charlotte woke with a start, a hand was shaking her shoulder and the sun was burning through the cars windows. "What? Where are we?" She asked, as her eyes adjusted to the light. She sat upright and looked at Leo. "Home." He simply said, grabbing his rucksack and jumping out of the car. Charlie was taking their suitcases from the boot of the Land Rover when Charlotte emerged from the passenger seat. "Hey sleepy head." Charlie teased, Charlotte just glared at him. "What the hell happened back there?" She snapped. "Security, that's all. Nothing I can't handle." Charlie shrugged, Charlotte scoffed. "Still big headed, I see." She folded her arms and cocked a hip. Charlie laughed, "still argumentative, I see." He mimicked her tone, before adding. "I'm not the enemy, Charlotte, remember that." He tried and failed to push past her. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked, she had a hand on his chest, pushing him backwards. Charlie smirked, "in case you forgot, I didn't kill your mother, you have no reason to hate me anymore." Charlotte's heart was beating too fast. "I have plenty reasons to hate you." She said, surprised at how steady her voice was. "I'm sure you do." Charlie grinned, his breathe was warm on her skin. Charlotte cursed herself for wanting that moment to never end, she hated the way her mind swirled and blood pumped too fast around her body. Then, Charlie pushed past her. "Where are you going?" Charlotte asked, genuinely stunned. "Inside." Charlie said, not even hiding the duh from his voice. "Where's Leo?" She asked, as they stepped inside the dusty space of Leo's old home. Charlotte tried not to let her mind wonder too far up the old staircase, into a blooded room where her mother had met her fate. Where she had killed her mother. "Securing the perimeter. " Charlie told her, leaving their suitcases by the door. He headed straight for the kitchen as if this was his home. "Why does he need to secure the perimeter? Nobody knows about this place." Charlotte said, following him. "Somebody knows." Charlie whispered.

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I hope you enjoyed!

I n s t a g r a m: pengmendes

- Naomi x

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