Who is this kid?

628 27 35

Karma's p.o.v.
I think everything went pretty well after the class had accepted me. I smiled as I was welcomed with open arms... Well, some were slightly closed while other wouldn't budge at all. I didn't let this bother me though, I knew that I was new and a little strange so it would take some time really getting used to me. The giant octopus turned me to face him, "Hello Karma-kun, you may call me Korosensei, your other teachers over there are Irina Jelavić and Tadomi Karasuma" He explained as I nodded with large innocent and interested eyes. They widened as he turned pink and started swaying back and forth as he stared at me, Irina-sensei got mad at this.

"Hey, you stupid octopus! Stop perving over a kid! It's bad enough you do it to me, but if you do it to him it's illegal!" She yelled as Korosensei went back to normal, but then turned purple with shock and panic, hmm. I watched as his tentacles started to pace really fast and his pacing got faster and faster and faster until it turned into a giant blur of purple mess. It eventually slowed though, enough to where he came to a stop and we could all see that he was really sweaty and had a panicked look on his face while all the same, still being a big purple ball of fear. Suddenly he stood up and decided to confront Irina-sensei as she smirked at his embarrassment "What!? Irina don't put that knowledge into the children's minds, sensei would never perv on them or anyone at all!!" He yelled in frenzy.

A blonde girl with blue eyes stood up and held up a magazine with a lady on it, she was very scantily clad "Than why did I find this very magazine along with many others hiding under your desk? Hmm, not pervy sensei?" She asked as the rest of the class snickered and giggled once he sunk to the floor, a pale yellow, and started to punch a wall. It didn't do any damage to it, just made a squishing noise and softy bounced back before he actually did it again; I felt bad for hurting his feelings, but couldn't help but finding funny as well. I looked back at Gakushuu to see him yelling at Ren for taking the blonde girl's magazine and reading it, I raised an eye brow and quietly made my way over to them where they had now developed a crowd. I walked up behind Gakushuu and tried look over his shoulder, but he was a few inches taller than me, so I had to look around his side. What I saw wasn't much different from what was in the front of the magazine, another woman, except this one had no clothes on at all.

"Shuu,?" I asked, scaring him and everyone in the crowd making them jump, "is this book just filled with ladies either badly clothed or naked?" I ask. Gakushuu nods and his eyes narrow as if he was concerned "Yeah Karma, haven't you ever seen a porn magazine like this before?" He asked as I tilted my head to the side and shook my head. "I haven't, mom always got rid of those things when they came in the mail... But I saw my dad have some in his office when I was little, that was before he got in trouble for it though" I pouted at the memory. Gakushuu looked broken for a bit in thought before he turned to Ren, snatched the magazine, and tore it to pieces. "Hey!" Ren shouted, but Gakushuu hit him over the head and pointed at me, it took a minute but eventually Ren's eyes widened and a blush covered his face as he looked panicked. I smile at this for a minute before a thought comes to me, I turn to Gakushuu and Ren "Hey, uh, Shuu, Ren... I uh... I have a question" I mumble out loud enough for them to hear me.

They stop talking to each other and motion for me to continue, giving me all of their attention and focus, but others were as well. I hadn't noticed due to being in extreme interest in what Gakushuu and Ren were doing, but it had seemed as the whole class had somehow joined the little circle and conversation Gakushuu, Ren, and I were having. Even Korosensei and Irina-sensei were joining in, I think the person who really surprised everyone when they came over was Karasuma-sensei​, since from what Gakushuu told me he is a, Gakushuu's words, stick in the mud.

Having everyone watching us made this even more embarrassing, but my mom always told me that if you had a question it would go unanswered if you didn't ask it, so I knew I had to if I wanted an answer so I turned to Gakushuu and Ren who were still looking at me with curiosity "What's porn? Is it like an abbreviation for popcorn?" I ask as everyone paused and sweatdropped, (all of their characters turned white with no detail like the embarrassing moment in an anime) Gakushuu and Ren on the other hand both had nosebleeds so hard that they passed out on the floor. I turned to everyone to see if they would help, but they were just looking at me with blushes and little nosebleeds of their own.

I gasped and immediately started to take out tissues from my satchel to help everyone and clean up a bit. If it was going to actually be like this every hour of every day I better start bringing more tissues to school, I actually kind of like the idea of coming back while at it. Except... Let's just wait for the rest of today to finish before I decide to come to a final decision. I look around at the rest of the class around me, even Karasuma-sensei, this would take a while.

E-class's p.o.v.
This boy. So sweet. So innocent. So cute. Who is this kid?

Awwww, I like this chapter. It was just so fluffy. Speaking of fluffy things, I found bongo!!

🐕: Bork. Bork!!

Me: Devildog did something to him, but I can't tell what right now, neither can I ask Devildog since he's still not back yet, but whatever. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this and don't forget to comment your thoughts and opinions down below, I'll see you all in the next chapter, b-byeeee!!!

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