Chapter 8/

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Raph rubbed my flat belly as we started having conversations about our plans for the future. " that your pregnant, what do you think we should name the baby?" He asked as I smiled and thought about it. "Well, I was thinking, if it was a girl we should name her Anastasia. If it was a boy, we should name him Henry," I said as Raph chuckled and my smiled disappeared "wh-what's so funny?" He held my hand and kissed me. I kissed back as we began to make out. After a while, I went to bed early, because you know, being pregnant does make you sleepy. But suddenly, Raph kicked the door down and I jumped up in shock as I see the red eyes again, I gasped terrified and he came up to my face and chuckled evily and I glared at him "finally, now I can rip that thing out of you........took a long time to processsssss the development but it was worth every ssssssecond.......," I cringed at those words and he picked me up by my neck and laughed cruelly, I gasped for air but he was blocking my air ways. "I've been waiting for thisssss you parissssssh.....," His grip gets tighter and I almost stopped breathing completely. I kicked him in the gut and he drops me on the floor and I felt constipated and he grimaces in pain a he held his stomach. "You little bitch.........I ssssssssshould have killed you a long time ago......," He then punches me put the door and I landed on the wall with blood dripping from my nose, I gave him a sad yet ferious look and said, "Raph........p-please......I n-need you. The baby n-needs you.......," Yet the demon didn't change he stayed the same and kicked me into the kitchen and now blood it dripping from my mouth. I was defenseless.

He cackled and grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawer, I gasped as he puts the knife lightly against my neck, I looked him in the eye "lookssssss like it is the end of your fate........ssssay your lassssst wordsssss, wife.....," He makes me sick so I kicked the knife out of his hand and grabbed it before it hit the floor, then I pointed the knife towards him. He puts his hands in the air like the cops tell the people they stop, then he laughs like it was a joke " wouldn't kill your own hussssband....would you?" My eyes widened and stood up. "This is not a game! Let my husband got!" His head drops and waited for a response. Then, I hear his voice "Leo.......d-did he hurt you......?" My Raphie was back! I sob as I ran and hugged him, he hugged back. "Thank goodness your okay!" I shouted in a hoarse voice.

He kissed me passionately, "i-is the baby hurt?" He asked rubbing my stomach "yes, she's fine. I didn't let that demon hurt our baby......," I replied as I put my head on his shoulder and he held me close. We went to bed after that.

We cooked together

I walked upon,

An empty land,

I knew the pathway like the back of my hand,

I felt the land beneathe my feet,

Sat by the river and it made me complete,

Oh simple thing,

Where have you gone?,

I'm getting old and need something rely on..............

There was no sign of the demon ever again.......
We would dance as well,
After I gave birth to our baby boy he was the best thing that ever happened to our life...........

Oh simple thing where have you gone?,

I'm getting old and I need something to rely on,

So tell me when your gonna let me in,

I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin.......

Our lives have changed, until something happened

And if you have a minute why don't we go,

Talk about it only somewhere only we know,

Cause this could be the end of everything,

So why don't we go,

Somewhere only we know........

Somewhere only we know..,...........

TO BE CONTINUED...................

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