Chapter 4/

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"come here boo," Austin grinned as I crawled to his side and lie on top of him "ready for work?" He asked as I laughed and nodded "yeah you are. Gimme kiss," I kissed him tongue first and we french kissed sloppily and stopped after 2 minutes. We walk out the room, he brought me into this room, he sat on this long couch and pats his lap "come and sit," I do so, suddenly, a tall man in a black leather jacket and has a red bandana over his head "mi' amigo. Gangston, how are you my man?" They shook hands as I stared frighteningly at the tall man, I whimpered in Austin's chest. He pets my head "it's okay baby. So, Gangston...about the deal....," I am listening.

"Da, I take blue girl, I has the moneys."

"Excellent. I'm sorry my dear but you must go," he kisses me on my lips once more and I gasp as Gangston grabs my hand and lightly tugs me out the door "no worries, you are in good hands," all I did was nod. He helps me into the black limo and off we went to the north side of New York. "No gongdo. Finocia, el bossa Renaldo," they were speaking some weird language, so I couldn't understand what they were saying. Two guards grabs me by the arms "let me go!" I yelled as I began to swing my arms trying to hit them "casa! Neno casa! Alerto!" Suddenly, many guards ran toward me and knocked me out. "Is this the blue turtle you were looking for?" I felt a hand touch my chin but I couldn't open my eyes "yes.....yes this is Leonardo."

"Wake up bitch!" Someone slapped me and that woke me up, I grimaced in pain as I saw who this man was. "W-who are you?! Do I know you?!" The red masked man walked closer to me and kissed my neck "mm...your delicious...," I back up a little as he looked at Gangston "graciaslus Gangston," Gangston bows "bas vadallia Renaldo." He exits the room. "Now.....let me take a glance at you...," I just looked away as he looked everywhere else. He then opens my legs ' fuck!' he licks my entrance "you know who I am, don't you...Leo?" I gasped as I recognize the voice.....suddenly, he holds his head and fell to his knees "hey are you okay?" I have to make sure he's okay but when he got up, his eyes color change from red to green. "L-Leo, I'm sorry for my evil side. Did he do anything to you?! Are you hurt?!" He holds my hand tight as I began to shed tears "R-Raph......? Is it really you?"

"Yes babe it's me.....but, I have to tell you something...."

"What is it?"

"I have a split personality."

"W-what's that?" I stammered.

"It's when you have magical personalities that can take over your body anytime they like. If I do something bad, please let me know." He kissed me, I wrap my arms around his neck and kissed back. We break the kiss and began to hug. I looked at his ring finger and see a ring "wait.....your married?" I asked giving him a puzzled look, he chuckled and kissed my cheek "haho! Honey, I'm married to you!" I smiled as well and giggled as we nuzzled.

Later that evening, me and Raph went to bed early, when I woke up Raph was gone. "Raphael? Where are you hon?" I called out his name about 8 times and that is what scares me the most. ' First, I reunite with my long lost husband then, he's gone in a minute I wake up.' I finally see him on the balcony looking at the view I guess. "Oh, there you are, you got me worried." I touched his shoulder  and he alarmingly turned around and his eyes were black. All black. It was like he had one giant pupil. "R-Raphael......? Are you-" he pounced on me and pinned me to the floor. I couldn't move.

TO BE CONTINUED................................

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