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"Aubrey?" I whined as Fane dragged me to the housing of the leaders, "She hates my guts."

"You don't have no guts to begin with except for that flabby thing," Fane retorted hitting me in the stomach, "Man up."

The House of the Leaders was very large, and only the five leaders stay in there.

Typically, the person who has been on the... well, here the longest is the leader.  

Aubrey was the first leader of our camp, and she had been leading for the last ten years.

We took a seat in her workplace and waited for her to get back from where ever she went.

She busted through the door. "Oh, hi," she said sitting down at her desk. "Sorry I'm late. I had to go to the cave."

The cave was a small area at the left side of our land. It had a small crawl space to enter it. Nobody knows what is inside because the only person who is permitted to enter is the leader, and if she allows it, another leader.

She cleared her throat and looked at me. Raising her eyes she said, "What seems to be the problem?"

"Um, well, you see I, uh," I stuttered not knowing what to say.

Luckily, Fane swooped in and saved me. "Aubrey, he's been having these, uh, sleepy-mares as you already know..."

She nodded, "Yes Fane, and they are called nightmares."

Like that's gonna make a difference.

Fane brushed it off and continued, "So anyway, Kodiak sees himself in these sleepy-mares. He sees others like his mom-a-who-za-what-zit whatever that may be. We decided to come to you and ask what a mom-a-who-za-what-zit is."

Aubrey chuckled lightly, "Sorry, I can't help you with that. I myself don't know what a..."

"Mom-a-who-za-what-zit," Fane interrupted.

"Yes, that. I don't know what that is."

I was done not talking, "No. It's a 'mum', that's what it was called."

She hesitated before responding. "In that case, well, a 'mum' is a type of flower. We don't have them here."

"But Aubrey, I was calling some person a mu-"

"Kodiak, it is getting late! Go to your bunker!" She cut me off sharply.

So, a flower...?

What did a flower mean?


"I have another hour to be awake. I'll walk with you to your bunk." Fane said.
Only leaders were allowed to be out in the night.

Once we got farther away from The House of the Leaders, Fane said, "See, that wasn't so bad."

"That's only because you were with me." I groaned. Everyone in the camp knew Aubrey had a soft spot from Fane. It was just a fact.

"G'night Fane," I said as I slid into bed.
"Night Kodi."

Let the sleepy-mares begin.

What do you think is going to happen in the nightmare?


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