Matt Webb -> Lily

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Hey guys! Okay this one is for my friend Lily! Hope you like this and hope you guys request more! :)

(Btw this is Cris writing haha!)

Love you guys! Please request! :)

~Cris & Jaz :D


Lily's POV

"What a cheap perfume, I hate this room, so testify, but I still try, and ya need that stamp, little hand shake tramp, and ya hit me more, is your face still sorry...."

I heard my alarm clock going off as I rolled over in bed. The sun is shining. Wow! That's pretty different considering we're in Vancouver and its like winter-spring time.

I look at the clock and see the time is 7:30am. Oh my gosh! I have to meet Matt at the airport in an hour!

Yes, I know what you're all thinking. Who's Matt? Matt who? Well, my answer is, Matt Webb. Lead guitarist of Marianas Trench.

How do I know him? Well, he's been my boyfriend for about five years now and we're still going strong. Anyways, I have to get ready.

I roll out of bed and walk to the washroom. I quickly take a shower. Then I get out, put on my T-shirt with Matt's cozy hoodie on top and some blue skinny jeans along with my purple converse.

I ran over to the mirror and quickly brushed out my blonde hair and tied it into a cute little ponytail. It's not great, but hey, I look decent enough to pick up Matt at the airport.

I run downstairs to the kitchen and grab an apple and some juice to have in the car.

It takes a while, but I'm finally pulling into the airport parking lot. I find a spot and park my car there. I quickly get out and run into the airport.

I head over to the arrivals gate and see that the gate is pretty empty, minus some people waiting for others as I am waiting for Matt.

I see my best friend, Cris, waiting too so I walked up to her. "Hey Cris!" I smiled. "Hey Lily! How's it going?" She asked. "Good! How about you?" I asked her. "It's good too!" She smiled. "Has their plane landed yet?" I asked. "Lemme check!" She said looking at her phone. "Yup! Josh said their grabbing their luggage and coming out!" She smiled. "Awesome!" I said happily.

Cris and I talked for a few more minutes and then we saw the unmistakable blonde and blue haired man walking out of the gates. Followed by Mike, Matt and Ian.

Cris and Josh ran to each other and hugged. And so did Ian and Mike to their girlfriends.

As soon as I saw Matt, I ran as fast as I could to him and jumped into his arms as he wrapped them around me and spun me around. He gently put me down. "Lily! I missed you so much!" He smiled and leaned in and kissed me softly. "I missed you too Matt!" I smiled and kissed him back.

We talked with everyone for a few minutes, then we decided that we should all head home. We said our goodbyes then Matt and I walked hand in hand to my car.

I helped him put his luggage into the car then I got in the drivers seat and he got in the passengers one next to me and we started driving home. "So how was tour?" I asked him. "It was amazing! But I missed you so much! I'm happy to be back!" He smiled.

"Aww! I missed you too cutie!" I giggled. We talked a bit then put on the radio. We are so close to our house when there is a traffic jam. "Lilyyyyyy." Matt whined like a child. "What is it Matthew?" I laughed. "Are we there yet?" He whined. "No we are not!" I laughed again.

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