Josh Ramsay -> Cris

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Hi guys! Cris here and I realized no one is requesting one shots :( soooo....I decided to make one for myself! ;) it'll be with Josh & idk I'm just gonna make up something weird but just please request them! I love writing them so I'd be happy to do it for you! Okay I'll stop now! Enjoy!



Cris's POV

Why today, of all days did my best friend, Jasmine, have to invite me for coffee all the way across Vancouver.

I mean, she's my best friend, I love her as a sister, but I got my stupid period today. Ugh why do females have so much to deal with in life sometimes?!

I just left the coffee shop when the cramps started. I look around and quickly drive home because my cramps are hurting really bad.

I finally get to my fiancé, Josh, and my apartment building. I slowly make my way into the elevator and go to our floor. I get off and slowly stumble to our apartment. I unlock the door and see Josh sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Hey Cris!" He smiles. "Hey!" I breathe out because of the pain from the cramps. "Cris! Are you okay?" Josh asks as he shoots up from the couch and runs over to me. "Ya. Girl issues." I try to laugh as I say it but it doesn't come out.

"Come on. Lets go lie down." He smiles, completely understanding what I mean by girl issues. He quickly shuts off the TV and leads me into our bedroom. "Here. Put this on. I know it's your favourite one!" He smiles at me and hands me his shirt that I've always told him is my favourite one.

I kissed him gently then slowly lifted my shirt but as I did this a huge cramp hit and I started to stumble. Josh caught me before I could fall. "Here." He smiled and helped me remove my shirt and bra then put his shirt on me. He then helped me take off my jeans and because the shirt is long on me I didn't need bottoms, just undies so we left those on.

"Thank you!" I smiled and kissed him. "You're welcome! I love you!" He smiled and returned the kiss. He scooped me up effortlessly and gently put me down on my side of the bed and got in next to me. He turns so he's facing me and then wraps his arms around me.

He puts his hand gently on my stomach and rubs it gently. Wow! How did I ever get so lucky? What did I ever do to deserve this amazing man right beside me?

I lean up and kiss him softly. "What's that for?" He smiled as he looked into my eyes. "Thank you!" I smiled back. "For what?" He asked, confused. "For being you, Josh! For loving me, for everything you've ever done and will ever do for me, thank you!" I smiled and buried my face in his chest.

"Well, you're very welcome! And thank you too, for everything!" He smiled and cuddled me even closer, which I didn't even know was possible.

We snuggled for hours and I fell asleep for a few minutes at one point, but am startled awake by Josh slowly moving. "Where ya going?" I smile, drowsily. "You'll see!" He smirks and then kisses me before disappearing for a moment.

He returns a minute later with dark chocolate, hot chocolate, coke zero, and skittles, which he knows I love and sits down on the bed.

He quickly helps me into a sitting position where I'm in his lap and he's leaning against the headboard of our bed. He opens the skittles and chocolate and lays them out on the bed, puts the case of coke zero on the end of the bed, opens a can for himself, then hands me the mug of hot chocolate.

He pulls me back into him, even closer which is almost impossible, and then wraps his arms around my midsection and rubs my stomach softly again.

We sit like this for a while in silence and then I turn slightly to kiss him. He returns it softly and smiles. "Cris I love you so much!" He smiles and whispers to me. "I love you too Josh!" I smiled and reply.

We sit there cuddling and kissing while eating the skittles and chocolate and drinking the hot chocolate and coke zero.

By the end of the night, we've finished two entire cases of coke zero, three bags of skittles, a bar of dark chocolate and an entire pot of hot chocolate too.

I feel much better by then and now we are lying down. I'm in Josh's arms and he has basically a death grip on me.

"Afraid I'm gonna run out on you cutie?" I smile and gesture to his grip around my waist. "Oh sorry." He smiles and loosens his grip on me a bit. "No no no, I like it!" I smile and slide even closer to him as he tightens his grip on me again. "Better?" He asks, smirking, as he slides his hand up my bare leg gently and rubs gently from my leg to my side and back down again.

"All better!" I smile and kiss him again deeply. "How's your tummy feeling?" He asks as he leans down and kisses my stomach softly. I giggle. "Better thanks!" I smile.

"Not all better?" He questions. "Not yet." I sigh. "Well, do you feel good enough to get up and move?" He asks with a smile. "Ya. I'm good. Why? Where are we going?" I ask as he starts to get out of the bed and I follow.

He doesn't respond, just leads me out of the room and into the TV room again. He picks up the remote for the stereo system and plays "Good To You", the song he asked me to sing with him on the record.

"Josh...." I start and then my eyes begin to water as he slips his arm around my waist and holds my hand and we begin to sway around the room. "I love you Cris!" He smiles and leads us around the room. He knows how much this song means to me because I sang it with the band and it's also going to be our wedding song in two months when we get married.

We dance slowly to the beat of the song....our song, and when it comes to an end, the rest of the playlist plays on and we dance around and have fun.

Eventually, it's midnight and Josh and I are both exhausted so we go back to bed and cuddle and eventually fall asleep in each others arms.

Just before we fell asleep, Josh tightened his already extremely right grip on me and whispered in my ear, "I love you so much Cris!"

I kissed his cheek and whispered back, "I love you too Josh!" And then we both fell into a comfortable sleep.

Even asleep, Josh has his death grip around me and I'm snuggled into his chest. Protected in each others arms, Josh and I fall asleep together.


Authors Note:

Okay guys. You can obviously picture this with your own name lol it's just something random I wrote so hope you like it!



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