Chapter 1

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"A dead body was found in a hotel"

13 June 2016

The headline is the first thing he will read it every morning. It's not a necessary but it's a fact that he and his family had to accept in their life.

"Still reading that headline?"

A melancholy voice breaking the silent that he made. She was the one that remind him for not being too addicted to the headline. She had already known the tragedy but not everything that really happen.

"You need to stop reading it. It's already pass 1 years ago".

It's true that it's been awhile now. 1 years had pass but nothing had change for him. He still feel guilty about what actually happen. That puzzle about that night is still playing hard on his mind.

He never tell this to anyone even to his daughter. He had 3 princess on his life but one of them can't survive as she had a cancer. She was the one that he loves the most.

But the two princess left were really important to him right now. Anything he does is for them.

"Appa. I know you still feel guilty about it same goes to me but it already pass 1 years ago. Can we forget it. I dont want we to live in a guilty life forever. Can we?"

She was asking nicely to her father. She usually doesnt speak much as she was known as a introvert person. She's a quiet girl but she diligent and mature person on the same times.

But in this situation she needs to confess her feeling about how his father to addicted about the headline. Mybe it's true that she can't fix it now but if she can she want to turn the time.

"Im sorry if im including you and your sister in this problem. It's all my fault that i can't take care of it. Im sorry too if i make our life always in a melancholy life. I promise you that our life will be usual as before"

That word were more than enough. She doesnt mean to make her father feel sorry but shr just want to look her father happy as before. That's all her wish and it's came true.

Her father finally speak up to their problem. She knew that there's something not finished yet but she just kept in her mind. She dont want to ruined the mood.

Her lips form a curve as a creasant moon. Same goes as her father. They made their eye contact and lock it. That was just a wonderful eyes were looking each other.

That's how they made their morning routine as a family. Remind others about what the best in their life and dont ever look back about what just happen.

But on the other side there's still a person who never stop keep remind himself about the past. For him the past is the beginning not the ending.

He just want to get his right about what really happen to him and his family. He doesnt care what people will say as long as he get what he demand.

" it was never exist but i will make it exist by create it and make it came true"

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