Chapter 3

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"Miss this is the document that you wanted"

Wake up from her dream. Looking for the voice that called her name. A wide smile she give to her as a sign for thanks searching the document.


My p.a come to my room without i noticed. Exactly when i dreaming. Nope. Im thinking. Yesterday. My father. That unknown guy. Worry. Sad. Silence. All just happen in a blink of an eyes.

It's happen too fast. The time is not cooperate with me. My dad being a different people since yesterday. He being more introvert. Start from the meeting with that unknown guy. He seems change and don't want to talk much.

Im still thinking why my father be like that. Plus. I need to know what is the issue of the conversation between them. All the tune is playing on my mind.

Thinking of this makes my mood down a little bit. Oh my god. I have an apointment today. I can't let this influence my work. I need to say focus. Yes!. Focus!.

Without hesitation i grab my bag and my document for my apointment. Today i will meet with the ceo of JJ.Corp to discuss about our new project. Well it's always including a million dollar project.

I fasten my car to the destination. I park my car when i have arrived. Do some simple make up before the apointment. Girl. Always need to look pretty even only apply a lip balm.

Done with it i go straight to a cafe near by. Cafe?. Yeah i like cafe more than expensive restaurant. Why?. It's more comfortable to me. Dont ask too much because im in hurry.

Im searching for someone. My eyes traveling through all the customers in the cafe until i found what i search for.

A guy with good body shape as a guy. You know what i mean. From his back i can sense the good news about this project. I dont know how i can sense it but yeah. Confident i guess.

I stop right infront of him. He seems not to notice me so i just say it first. "Excuse me mister. Do you wait for me?. Im sorry for being late".

Hearing my confession he amediately look up to me. Shock. Wide eyes. Hey yes!. How could im not shock and my eyed widen when he is the ceo of JJ.Corp. The unknown guy.

I drop my jaws the effect of the shock. He stand up as the respond of my shocking. He give me the warm smile that i've nevet seen before. Not even single guy. Only that warm smile.

"You?". I was saying. He giggle and respond to my question. " i never knew it is you". Finally he spoke but that not the anwer for my question.

I snap out from my shocking face. A normal face. No!. A friendly face. My lips move to form a creasant moon that bright shine on my face.

"Y-yeah. It's me". Im shutter a little bit. I take my hands up to make a hand shake. " Im sinb. Hwang Sinb. Nice to meet you". First step as my introduction.

He look at me and then my hand. He take it. Hand shake. No!. That's not a hand shake. He taje my hand but instead he took my hand near to his lips. Im sorry. His lips?.

Without my expectation he gently kiss my hand. I can feel the soft of his lips. It's red like a cherry. That small little lips. Attractive. Wait!. Yah! Sinb. Snap out of it.

I came to my sense when he respond back. "Jungkook. Jeon jungkook. Nice to meet you- my lady"

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