Chapter 7

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Harry made his way out of ollivanders and to gringotts, he took a breath and stepped in.

Merlin had taught him about goblin etiquette, but he wasn't 100% about it. He walked up to the desk and said, "hello, may our work together be pleasant" The goblin looked up his eyebrow raised, surprised. "I need to talk to a goblin about my fathers will please"

"Right this way sir" the goblins raspy voice called out. He was led to a room, with paperwork everywhere, yet still had a neat pristine touch to it.

Another goblin entered, harry stood and bowed "may our exchanges be complimentary to both of us" and sat down again. The goblin, it was safe to say, was in shock before quickly composing himself. "Okay mister...?"
Harry quickly put the charm on." Potter sir, harry potter."

"Mister potter, I am Ragnok and, I believe I handled your parents will, who have you had for your legal guardians" asked Ragnok

"I have lived at 12 Privet drive until my 11th birthday, I have recently found out that my legal guardian is a man named Albus Dumbledore"

Ragnok growled, harry stood up abruptly "Sorry good sir, did I say  something wrong?"

Ragnok shook his head and sighed, "Its Dumbledore he... One second let me get the will" he then started speaking a language harry couldn't decipher. "Here" he said and handed him a peice of parchment.

It was dated and labeled.


The Will and Testament of James Charlus Potter and Lily Rose Potter (nee Evans).

We the undersigned, (James and Lily Potter) declare this our will. We are being hunted by the terrorist called Lord Voldemort. We have gone into hiding under the Fidelius Charm. We have chosen Peter Pettigrew, instead of Sirius Black, as our Secret-Keeper. The reason is that we believe Sirius is likely to be targeted, providing a perfect safety net. While Sirius keeps the death eaters busy, we should be safe under Peter's watch. However, if we're found and killed, we have provided for our son.

To our best and closest friend Sirius Black we leave 20 thousand Galleons, the cottage near Newcastle and James's prized motorbike.

To our good friend Remus Lupin we leave 20 thousand galleons and Lily's almost complete werewolf cure, try to get it to work. We also leave him the cottage near Dover.

To our good friend Peter Pettigrew, in the event that our death is natural, we leave 20 thousand Galleons and the cottage in France near Paris and rat tonic encase he ever gets ill, If by Voldemort though, We leave nothing but the knowledge that he was the secret keeper.

To Dumbledore, we leave to you and to the Order of the Phoenix,5 thousand for the war effort.

To Petunia Dursley and family, we leave you 500 thousand pounds in the bank of London. Please use this money to get out of England asap, if Voldemort is still alive he shall target you. Petunia, the last of the Evans, carry our bloodline out of the country, and survive, make mother proud.

The rest of our estate, we leave to our son, who shall be given our will when he reaches eleven years of age. This includes:

The cottage in Germany
The cottage in America
The cottage in china
The cottage in the Scottish highlands
The cottage in Africa
14 godrick's hollow
Potter safety base
Potter manor
Access to vault #51 in gringotts

Inside the main vault, is a chest with all of our paintings. They have our memorys and will want someone to talk to. Also in this chest, are several letters to our son. Again at eleven, Harry will be given the Head of the House ring. He will then take his active role in the government and become a legal adult. Furthermore, in the vault there is:

2,134,798 galleons
595,264,871 sickles
967,328,541 Kunts

As to guardianship of Harry James Potter, the following shall be the order of his guardians.

Sirius Orion Black: a good friend and godfather to Harry

Alice and Frank Longbottom: good friends, Alice is Harry's godmother. I am Neville's, their son, godmother.

Remus Lupin: a good friend to our family. Like an uncle to harry

Amelia Susan Bones: a good friend and coworker. Trustworthy and good with children

Andromeda Tonks: Powerful family. Trustworthy. Good friend of ours, best cousin Sirius ever had

Augusta Longbottom: A powerful companion, and he is guaranteed to see Neville monthly.

The guardian of Harry will receive one thousand Galleons a month for his care, and another one hundred Galleons for clothing and toys for Harry as he grows.

At no time at all is Albus Dumbledore is to have magical guardianship of Harry. He shall not be allowed to see, touch or speak to my son if we die until he goes to Hogwarts, nor is Harry ever to go to my sister and brother in law. See above, as to why. With Harry with them, it makes them a target. Furthermore I feel they shall treat him unfairly, which would be unfair to harry.

Signed this day

October the 21st 1981

James Charlus Potter

Lily Rose Potter (nee Evens).


Sirius Orion Black

Frank Longbottom

Alice Longbottom

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Counter signed by the Chairman of the London Branch of the Gringotts Bank:


"Bloody hell" muttered Harry as he looked up in shock, for two reasons.


2. That's alot of money...

Thoughts were spiraling through his head, but were interrupted by Ragnok clearing his throat. "I need a sample of your blood on this bowl test, it reveals the titles you can claim".

Harry nodded and slit his wrist over the bowl. Ragnok dipped a peice of parchment into the blood and put it on the desk.


Harry felt a smile tug at his lips, he turned to talk to Ragnok, who was staring mesmerized at the parchment he turned and saw why.

It was still writing

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