chapter 37

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A/N : Hi guys! Sorry for the late update. This update was meant to be published yesterday but i made a stupid mistake. I thought yesterday was thursday. Lol. Anyway, i hope you like it.


I looked at my wristwatch and it's already almost 1 am. Even though I haven't had even a blink of sleep, at last, I managed to make progress and develop a plan to find Jake. Just a little bit more and we would get him for sure.

I just came out of the police station and I needed to go home as soon as possible because I would meet the person who could help me with my plan on retrieving Blake from that guy. I wanted to go to her house but it's too risky.

I don't want to give Jake an idea that I would ask her cooperation to get him. Until now, I haven't informed her yet of what happened to Blake.

Upon parking my car near my place, I checked the time on my wristwatch again and it's still early for our meeting time so I decided to go to my suite and get something to eat and drink.

Upon reaching my penthouse, I carefully opened the door because I knew my parents stayed for the night.

All my moves were very careful that I didn't even switch the light so they wouldn't notice that I went home if they're still awake. I don't want to talk to them yet.

I was about to go to the kitchen and quickly get the things I wanted when I noticed someone standing at the terrace. She was silent and just typing on her phone, her back was on me. I was about to approach her when I saw her lifted up her phone to her ear and spoke.

"What happened? I thought I clearly told you what to do? I was expecting for you to do things smoothly and not dumbly. I never told you to connive with that guy! I regret that I trusted you and let you do things on your own!"

My eyebrows furrowed upon hearing what she's talking about. Instead of letting her know that I was behind her, I stayed silent and continued listening to her talk to that person more.

"I don't care if you didn't help him into kidnapping her! The thing is we're surely going to get condemned too if they discovered that you are connected with that guy!" My eyes widened in shock. I covered my mouth with my hand in order to prevent myself from gasping out loud.

My fists tightened furiously. My insides were trembling because of so much anger.

"Do something to get her out of there! Make sure that he won't hurt the baby in her stomach! I want her out of my way but not like this! I'm not a criminal!" I couldn't hear what she's talking about anymore. I strode my way towards her angrily and took her phone away from her.

"Where is Blake?! Where is my wife?!" I asked to the person on the other line with a thunderous voice. I was beyond mad.


"F*ck you, Brianna! Where is Blake? Tell me right now or I'm going to ruin you and your entire family!" I warned her. I couldn't believe what's happening. I couldn't believe that they would do this to us.

"E-Enrique, I-----" Before she could complete her sentence, the call ended. I redialed the number but it was out of coverage area already. Because of so much anger, I threw the phone on the floor with all my might. My mom screamed in horror.

"What did I ever do to you to treat me this way?!" I shouted at her. She's now crying.

"Q-Quen" She tried to touch me but I swatted her hand away. I couldn't look at her anymore as a mother. She looked like a monster in front of me now.

"Don't ever touch me! I hate you!" I spat at her. She just shook her head.

"No, Quen. Listen to me first---"

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