Chapter 2 The Kings Choice

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Guards kill the citizen and anyone who stands in ur way and arrest my son.

But as the guards grab the son the citizen kills both the guards pulls out a lighting strike cross bow when a mysterious note appears in front of the king and says.

Dear king I'll save u if u let all of the other seekers free and never bother us again.

NEVER! urgh! Ugh huh I will be avenged.

Father no!

Kill him he murdered the king

Kyle my son the king choose to die by his own will.

Are u mad he was shot to death by an arrow how was it his fault.

By not letting the innocent free which is against law anyway so now release the prisoners to be free.

Father what are u doing.

Setting things write in the world.

Guards he's getting away

But as Blaze saw his father and Calam's cousin they knew they had to help the assassin escape for setting them free so they split up to take care of the archers so he could escape not harmed so one guard after another until the assassin was free of the guards reach.

When I got home I pushed the door right open and went to mum and told her the king has died and our new king Kyle has set the seekers free.

Yay ths wonderful she cheered put then noticed Blaze was upset and asked what's wrong Blaze.

Why was daddy walking out with those seekers was he been torched with the rest of them but why he's not a seeker is he.

Yes he is a seeker of enchantments so when the king found out he took him and made him work for him ths why we've been low on money I'm sorry this is how u found out.

I'm 15 mum u could have told me.

But then u would have tried to free him or at the next kings speech u would have tried to confront him ths why I didn't tell u I'm so sorry Blaze.

Ur not sorry otherwise u would have told me Agh! I'm leaving. Slams the door behind him and walks off.

Blaze wait I love u.

It's ok darling he knows u love him.

Deric ur home oh how I missed u we were going to lose everything.

He did have a point ths how we got sent free someone finally decided to confront the king during his speech he was also an assassin from what we believe the thunder nation so we must be careful.

What about our son!

He's trained so hard magic and combat at school he can handle himself.

Just go have a look for him at least just see he is ok.

ok I'll go look for him and see if he's at Calams.

Thank u so much.

Ok I'll see u soon.


Meanwhile knock knock Calam let me in.

Oh! it's u Blaze opens the window what are u doing here.

Fight with mum and I won't be here for long.

Why where are u going.

More like we and a walk around  town.

Ok I'm coming just let me write a note.

I'll do it for u flickers feather look now it's righting lets go.

Ok I'll just grab my gear.

We'll have to make a stop at my house I forgot my gear.


Yep lets go we can pic up bubbles while where there to.

On the way back home Deric sees Calam and Blaze running across behind the trees so he decides to follow them back home when he realises what there doing he sprints back home.

my stuffs in my room lets go in through the back window.

Ok got it

As they entered through the window and Blaze grabbed his stuff he noticed there was two finely cut, shiny, detailed swords then had a note saying dear son while working for the king I was working on these extremely light enchanted swords for u I hope u enjoy love from mum and dad.

Wow these are amazing I wish I could have one.

U can here u go.

thanks but why.

Because u have always been there for me and will always be there for me.

Still to Come
Do we find out who the assassin is and there true reason behind killing the king and what happens on Blazes and Calam's night walk

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2015 ⏰

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