Chapter 2

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You'll notice I'm writing from Nick's perspective which is completely new to me. I'm more used to writing from the female perspective because it has been something I'm more comfortable with, but for this story I wanted to write Teagan as almost an enigma. I didn't want you guys as the reader to know exactly what she was thinking at specific moments, or why she does the things that she does. Please bare with me though because I'm a female, and don't know exactly the way in which a boy thinks or how feelings are processed but I'm trying my best. Thank you for reading!


At this dinner I was determined to make some progress. 

"Nick!" Eileen exclaimed moving up from her seat at the table to come give me a hug. I smiled looking at the table full of people searching for the blue eyed brunette. 

"Hey, guys!" I greeted to the group of people all sitting around the round table. The small group of individuals all said hello. I had recognized all of them from various different New York events, or even get togethers like these. Although, I couldn't spot Teagan.

Thomas flew back to California this morning, and Chris had plans with his girlfriend, leaving me hanging on the wingman thing for tonight.

My friend grasped me in a hug. "Take my seat at the table." She whispered, as we let go of our embrace. I looked over to where she was seated and I noticed Teagan taking a seat in the chair next to it. She looked over to me and smiled. I smiled back, all of a sudden feeling a little anxious. 

"Are you playing matchmaker now?" I joked, looking back over to Eileen. 

"Hell yeah I am." She responded turning around and moving to sit next to some guy with beach blonde hair. I let out a breathe making my way to the side of the table, next to the girl I came here for. All I could feel was a cliched mix of emotions, as I sat next to the most beautiful girl I had ever met. She was sipping on a drink and looking around the table. Thinking back to the night we met I looked down at the table trying to come up with something witty to start the conversation with. 

Clearing my throat I spoke.  "I thought you only drank at home?" She looked over to me with a smile. 

"Shirley temple." She responded simply, raising her glass. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly for a moment before smiling and lightly shaking her head. The pounding of my heart didn't seem to ease, as her eyes met mine. 

Her beautiful blue eyes.

"Did Eileen force you to sit next to me?" She asked with a small giggle, setting the drink down. Her question took me by surprised, before I let out a nervous chuckle. 

There was no way one could be forced into being around her. 

"Believe me. Not a lot of force was necessary." I told her. She smiled once again, pink flooding to her cheeks, as she averted her eyes from mine. I smiled at the affect I seemed to have over her. At least I knew this wasn't all one- sided. However, this brought on a whole new level of pressure. There was no way I could screw this up. "So I was an idiot, and forgot to get your number last night." Well- couldn't screw up again

"Is that why you followed me on Instagram?" She asked moving a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"Precisely. I couldn't work up the courage to message you though." I painfully admitted, immediately regretting the words that just came out of my mouth. 

"Good because DM's are not my forte." She laughed. My embarrassment quickly went away as I once again looked at her.  The pink fluorescent lights of the restaurant made her blue eyes seem to stand out from her pink tinted skin. 

"Same here." I responded. 

Talking to her wasn't as hard as I imagined it would be.  She was extremely easy to talk to as she always had something to say. She was both intelligent and quick- witted. We spent the next 30 minutes making fun of Eileen, each other, and just learning more about one another. Mostly we talked about work. 

Exactly what I liked the most, what made me even more intrigued, was the way she talked about her job. Our job. 

The way she talked about acting, her hand gestures, her facial expressions, everything just made me more and more interested. I found her passion- amazing and sharing the same passion made me like her even more. It made me want to learn even more about her. Not just about her job, but what she liked to do outside of acting. How her family life was, where her favorite place is to travel- 

and the last thing I want is to seem over zealous. I don't want to seem too into her before I got the shot to really know her, like really know her- but I have a feeling.    

"Okay, guys! We're moving this little party to Eileen's." Walker announced, shifting my attention away from mine and Teagan's conversation. 

"I feel like just got here." I laughed quietly. 

"New Yorkers move almost as fast as the city." Teagan told me, pulling out some money out her her purse, and setting it down on the table. 

Eileen bounced over to us placing her hands on both of our shoulders. I had always admired Eileen's outgoing quality. She was never afraid to do or say what she wanted. "Let's get this show on the road, babes.". She bent over to me, lips close to my ear. "How's it going over here." Eileen asked quietly so only I could hear. I glanced at Teagan who was laughing across the table with someone. I smiled lightly before turning to my dear friend, Eileen Kelly.  

"Real good." I responded. At least I hoped I was doing good. She patted my shoulder before moving over and whispering something into Teagan's ear. They both giggled, which made me wonder what the hell Eileen had said. Eileen was probably much better at this than Chris, or Thomas could have ever been. 


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