Who's Ein Sato?

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Me and Niko heads downtown to her mom, Aiko's house isn't very far. Niko meets this guy named Ein Sato, Ein is a demon in a teenage boy's body. I hate him so much!!!! He shows his "Niko I love you so much " side to Niko but he shows his "I will track you down and murder you" side to Me. Recently I never had liked or trusted Ein, took him more as a bad influence for Niko. I tell Niko that Ein is a bad person for her. As always Niko never listened to me because she thinks that since she's older she could do whatever she feels like doing and it gets me pissed.

    My pov

I'm damn near pissed. Niko has no freaking chill button. After we left our house all she did was talk about "EIN". I'm really getting sick and tired of her. Ugh, last night Niko went to go get dinner and she left me with Ein. It was sooooo awkward, well due to me walking around the house and Ein just flirting with me as I walk around. I mean does he have no chill button too. If Ein wasn't so desperate for Niko, maybe I would've approved of them dating but noooo, niko was sooooo desperate too.


Niko's pov

I absolutely love Ein, but I have a feeling that he's hiding something, I'm really not sure Riko spots it but she keeps telling me "Ein isn't right for me". Gosh I hated her when she said that, thinking about it she told me to stop speaking about Ein in front of her because she says he's flirting with her. I don't believe that lying little cold hearted, emo, badass child. Maybe one day she'll know what it finally means to have a boyfriend. Maybe soon she could care for Ein and love the way I am. But if she doesn't I will kill her, she really doesn't deserve to live. She was a born mistake. Of course I believe mom telling me that Riko I fact was "A Mistake".

Aiko's pov

I still don't understand why Niko and Riko keep fighting, well that Ein boy is kind of cute but....I think he's hiding something and I'm trying to get close to find out what it is. I do catch Ein flirting with Riko but starts showing an kind of "evil side" towards Niko. One day I will find and kill Ein if he breaks Niko's heart and starts harassing Riko. He's a did disgrace to his family.....

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