What Are We Really???

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One day Ein tries again to get close and kiss Riko and successfully completed his objective. Riko goes beserk and shoots a gust of fire mixed with wind out of her hands, pushing Ein back as Niko walks in. Riko looks impressed by what she did but on the other hand Niko was helping Ein up and giving me the "Gtfo of the house" look. So Riko just left with a very happy look on her face. Riko goes to a blank field of grass, her light pink hair flows in the wind and Riko all of a sudden starts floating. She becomes afraid as she flips and moves like and idiot in the sky, but then gains control and starts flying like she's an expert. On the other hand Ein puts Niko to sleep and walks out looking for Riko and spots her flying. Ein starts to fly after Riko and grabs her wrist and pulls her close enough to the point where their faces are very close. Riko tries to break free and Ein just holds her tighter and pulls her even closer and kisses Riko's right cheek. Niko wakes up searching for Ein hopefully finding him in the living room, but he's not there. Riko breaks free and shoots out black lightning from her finger tips and it shocks Ein, but the shock has no effect on Ein. Ein's whole body becomes covered in blue and red chains, the chain gets hold of Riko and pulls Riko towards Ein. Niko notices Ein in the air with Riko and she starts flying and darts toward Rio and Ein. As she comes close she realizes that Riko is being held by chains and Niko dashes through both Riko and Ein. Niko growls and shoots a rock at Ein, Ein dodges that rock and throws Riko down to the earth's floor. Riko sits there in pain and can't move or at least breathe. Ein's brother Rin walks past noticing a girl on the floor that looks awfully a lot like Riko, his girlfriend. Rin runs towards Riko picking her up and running into the house and placing her on her bed.

"R-rin what are y-you doing here?"

"I was just strolling by and I notice you on the ground in pain. Are you ok?"

Rin starts to heal Riko with his power.

"T-thank you! And yeah I'm okay!"

Rin leans in and kisses Riko's passionately on the lips and he blushes uncontrollable hard and the same with Riko she blushes harder

"Rin you have to stop Ein, he, he, he's evil and he keeps trying to date me. Please speak to him!!!"

"I'll do more than that.... Im gonna kill him!!!!."

Rin's rage overpowers him and his power grows stronger and his appearance changes and he looks even more badass and more cuter, it makes Riko feel that spark for Rin in her heart just light up just by her looking at him.

"I want you to stay here for a while.....I'll go deal with Ein."

"Please come back safe......"

Riko, Niko and Aiko Where stories live. Discover now