Powerless: Chapter 3

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They headed outside to pseudo a world of chaos.. Buildings we're completely destroyed by fire or by plant over growth, cars were on fire or in pieces and the city was silent. "What.." Started John as Monica interrupted, "before you ask I'll explain OK? No one knows how but the power has been cut.. For 4 days now... And that means no light, no cars, phones or anything. For some reason too, all the cars and everyone's phones have been disabled and don't work in any shape or form." "Wait wait wait... So.. That means my walkie talkie, my computer, my.." Said Daniel shaking his head in denial as he grabbed his walkie talkie out. "They won't work.. Any of them. I've tried contacting my home, my uncle all from a pay phone and it didn't work. Neither did my cell." She said throwing her cell to them which was I'm perfect condition. "This is Sergeant Daniel Morgrave reporting in over.." Said Daniel into his walkie talkie. The talkie made no sound even as Daniel pressed it in again. "Come In... This is Daniel Morgrave reporting in over?" He said a little louder this time. "Daniel stop. Maybe she's right." Said Troy trying to take it off him. "COME IN!" He kept yelling into it as he threw it to the ground. "Jesus..." John said as he started to panic. But all of sudden a rocket hit the building next to them toppling a bunch of concrete at them. "What the hell!!!" Yelled Monica as she jumped out of they way. "Argh!!!" Screamed John as he was knocked out as well as Daniel by falling concrete. "Shit John!" Yelled Troy trying to go into the rubble as a barrage of bullets piled next to them forcing them to lay down. "ARGHH!" They heard as a man yelled while laughing. "What do we do?!" Yelled Troy holding his hands on his head as bullets landed around them. "I. I don't know!" She yelled back. The man got closer and so did the bullets of his mini gun, but then all of a sudden 1 loud shot came through and his bullets stopped. Then another came through and he fell over like a rag doll. "What..." Said Monica as she peeked up. "Who the hell?" Said John getting up slowly and looking around the rubble as a bullet flew past nearly hitting him. "Holy shit!" He yelled backing up falling over on the concrete. "Quickly get them out of the rubble and let's go!" She said hurrying over to the concrete and pulling out an unconscious John. "Daniel? Get up man.." He said slapping Daniel softly as he woke up and pushed him off. "Got a bloody... Rock up my ass" he said trying to pull it out. "Ewww"

2 weeks later....
"Hand me that wrench.." Said Daniel reaching out to Monica as she handed it to him. "I... There's nothing wrong with it.. Not that I can see." He said from inside the hood of the car. "Here let me." She said bending down next to him knocking him slightly. "Damn..." Daniel whispered to himself as he glanced down at her breasts. "You better be talking about the car.." She said to him smiling as he added a little wink. "Ha... Um yeah i was.." He muttered. "Uh jeez.." She said as she slowly lifted off her jumper to reveal a tank top under neath. She flicked her hair to the side and looked at Daniel for a second who had his eyes peeled on her as he dropped his wrench. "Oh shit..." He said picking it back up. "Daniel I'm lonely.." She said to him putting her hands through her hair. "Um what?" He asked her. "I'm feeling lonely.. I need some.... Some.." She said as she brushed up against him. "I um... What do you.. Need" he tried to say as he dropped his wrench again. "Entertainment..." She whispered in his ear putting her hands Down his back. "We.... Um.. I uh.." He stuttered as he smiled. "What's wrong? I can see your already a bit... Um.. Hard?" She said looking down putting her tongue out a little. "What? Oh shit.." He said turning around and trying to hide it. "Hey guys! Dinners ready!" Yelled John from outside. "Daniel carry me.." She said falling into his arms and wrapping herself around him. "Um I... Sure.." He said as she put one of his hands on her arse. "Damn man! This..uhmmm.. Is some good chicken!" Said Troy as he ripped into his chicken. "Yeah well.. We ain't got much more and tonight's special.. It's our one week anniversary living here! In this place.. With no power." He said out loud. "Put me down here sugar.." Monica said to Daniel as she hopped down slowly and kissed him on the neck. "Shit...." He said blushing as he tried to hide it. "Haha... Hey John hey Troy" she said sitting down with them at the bench outside. They lived in small cabin just outside the forest but far from the city. It was grassland one way and forest the other. "Hey Daniel man. Come eat! This shits good!" Yelled Troy to Daniel as he swallowed a bone accidentally and started choking. "I've got him!" Said Monica grabbing him and jerking him forwards and back as he spat it out. "Uh.. Ohh.. Thanks.." He said breathing and coughing hard. "Shit man slow down!" Yelled John from the barbecue. "Damn Monica what size are they? All I felt was them pressed against my head." Said Troy laughing. "Oh just double D's" she said putting her hands on them. "Sucks how we men got no more strip clubs to go to anymore." Said John sitting down with his food. "I know right. I even found an old stereo in the garage but it Doesn't work." Said Daniel sadly. "Too bad.. If we had some music.. Maybe.. Maybe I might have done a little something for you guys." She said laughing a little. "Oh damn now I'm really disappointed!" Said Troy. I'm gonna go to bed though. Kinda tired." Said Monica getting up. "Night!" Yelled John to Monica. "Night guys." She said as she walked inside the cabin. "She's got a nice ass...." Said Daniel. "And that rack!" Said Troy shaking his head in amazement. "I saw a little something going on with you and Monica before Daniel." Said John winking to him. "Um. What?" He said nervously. "She was all over you and you had her by the ass man" he replied. "No... I mean... Um..." Said Daniel again nervously. "Get in there boy."

The next day started off well. Everyone was doing there usual jobs and everything was normal. "So... We don't know well about your past Monica.. What was your job?" Asked John. "We'll... She said putting down her hammer. The first job I had is kinda embarrassing.." She said sitting down. "Yeah?" Said Troy sitting down too. "I used to work at the vanilla ice..." She muttered. "You mean an ice cream shop?" Said Daniel happily. "No.. Strip.. Club.." She mumbled again. "What? Really?" Said John laughing a little. "Don't laugh.. I don't know..I didn't have much experience in anything but they liked my boobs haha" she laughed to herself. "We'll.. I worked as the co CEO at electronics r us." Said John grabbing I.D from his pocket. "Oh sweet.. Not much use here is it?" She said giving him a awkward smile. "Yeah.. No power means I'm practically useless." John said sadly. Just as he said that a huge explosion came from the forest and shock the ground under neath them. "What the hell?!" Said Troy running over to the gate to see fire rising from the forest. "Oh shit! That's fires gonna spread! To here!!" Yelled John to them as he ran to the water hose and tried to turn it on. "There's no water! Shit what do we do!?" Yelled Daniel trying the taps inside. "Um.. I um... I don't know!" Yelled John as he threw the hose down. "The fire and smoke was already jumping towards them as they spoke. "Maybe we can chop down the trees?" Suggested Daniel. "Yeah with what? And we wouldn't have enough time anyway." Said Troy. But as they spoke a big military truck came roaring down the grassland honking it's horn as it slowed down a little to blast through the gate. "What! Who is that?!" Yelled John grabbing his pistol. "I don't know but it looks like a rescue! Grab your stuff!" Yelled Troy as he ran inside and got his bag and gun. *HONK UGHHH!* Went the horn as the truck came closer and pulled up next to the house. "Go go go!" Said John jumping in the back with everyone else. "Ahh!" Screamed Monica as the fire came near the house. The truck flew off into the grassland and through some trees. "Who the hell mis driving?!" Yelled Troy to everyone else as he held the handle bar above them. Just as they spoke he came through the curtains in front of them slowly with his gun. "Oh my god... I know him...." Gasped John.

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