Powerless: Chapter 2

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They walked up the front door to see flames arising from the windows. "JOHN?!" Yelled Daniel banging the door. "DUDE! Just get in there! The whole house is on fire!" Yelled Troy trying to open the locked door. "God damn it! Move!" Yelled Daniel as he bashed down the door. Smoked exploded out the door causing them to stumble as they tried to walk through. "John!!" Yelled Troy crawling into the lounge room. "There!" Said Daniel looking at a curled up John on the ground. "JOHN?!" Yelled Daniel into his ear as he shook him. John coughed and sat up like he knew nothing happened. "What... How did.." He coughed as Troy and Daniel pulled him out of the the lounge room. "LOOK OUT!" Said Daniel as he shoved Troy out of the way of a giant cabinet falling down. "Shit man were trapped!" Yelled Troy as he tried to push the cabinet out of the way. They frantically searched for an exit and failed. "We're gonna... Choke in here!" Yelled Troy coughing in between his words. "Uh...bas... Nt.." Mumbled John. "What?" Said Daniel looking at him. "Basement.." He tried to say louder. "That's it! GO!" Yelled Daniel dragging John to the door and kicking the handle in. "You always have to be the hero don't you?" Said Troy opening the door as the ran down and closed the metal door.

It was Hours before the fire burned everything and finally they could escape. They found some food and water bottles down in the basement and packed it all into Daniel backpack which was now quiet heavy. "Let's go.. I can't hear the fire anymore." Said Troy slowly opening the door. They walked out to see the whole house in black pieces. Glass was lying everywhere, the air stunk of burned wood and plastic and pieces of clothing were lying everywhere. "What the..." Said John walking out slowly and going onto his knees. "Everything's.... How.." Said Daniel as all the houses down the street were burned down too. "The fire must of spread here and the fire alarms mustn't of gone off... Imagine how.." Troy said sadly as gun shots were shot down the street. "Stay here with John... I mean it. Stay!" Said Daniel grabbing his pistol from the bag and going up behind a car overlooking the street. "I'm not a dog dude.." Said Troy shaking his head and sitting down with John. "Get on your knees!" Yelled a man In a mask. "Please! Don't hurt us please!" Yelled a lady as the man hit her in the head with his rifle. "Mother fu..." Said Daniel about to shoot them but all of a sudden a bullet came that hit the guy right In the neck. "Get down!" Yelled the others as they were shot too. "Who the hell?!" Yelled. Daniel as he quickly turned around to see a man run away into an alley. "Hey!! Stop!? What's going on?!" Yelled Daniel as he put his gun in his holster and chased the man, only to run Into a dead end. "Daniel?!" Called John as he fell over around the corner. "John!" Said. Daniel running to him to see Troy at gun point by a dark skinned man. "You! Come with us or your friend dies! Simple?!" He yelled to Daniel putting the gun to Troys head. "Hey wait! What the hell is going on?! Who are you people?!" Said Daniel confused as he dropped his gun. "The new... Government." Said a man coming up behind Daniel and knocking him out.

They awoke to being chained to a wall. "Uh... What?" Said John as he awoke slowly. "Let us out! You can't do this! The police! They will get.." Yelled Troy from a chair in the corner as the man smacked him across the face with a night stick. "You! Will shut up! All of you!" He yelled at them as he spat in Troys face. "What do you want?" Said Daniel calmly to the man. "I want the codes... Mr Dragner.." He said to John putting a knife to his throat. "Codes...? What codes?!" Said John. "YOU KNOW!!!..... What codes I'm talking about!" He yelled again as he ordered his man to come over. "Take him to the chair." "Yes sir." Replied the solider unchained John and throwing him onto a chair and strapping him down. "We can do this the easy way... Or the hard way.. John." He said Showing him a pair of pliers and a knife. "What?!?! What codes I don't know what your talking about!!" He yelled trying to get out of the chair. "The fucking!..." He tried to yell as a arrow went straight threw his throat. "Gah...gr...uh.." He gargled as he fell over. "Sir?!" Yelled the other solider as he was shot down too. "Oh what now?!" Yelled Troy trying to pull the chains off. Then a figure appeared out of the darkness holding a bow and arrow. "Whoever you are we don't want any trouble!"said Daniel. "If your looking for the "codes" then fuck off! We don't..." Yelled Troy as the figure toke off its mask and came out of the darkness. "Know...wha..." Stopped Troy as he looked the girl that came out if the darkness. She has long black hair and had a good build...

Her eyes shined in the light and she was holding a bow and arrow. " you should treat women with a little more respect don't ya think?" She replied to Troy as she walked over to him slowly. "I'm um... I mean I didn't..." He stuttered as she crouched down next to him and put her face near his. "Names... Monica." She said as Troy tried to kiss her she cut the chains off and he face planted on the ground. "Haha." Laughed Daniel as she cut him free too. "Um.. I'm sorry but we have no idea what's going on.." Said Daniel As he threw the chains to the ground. "Are you serious? It's been 3 days now and you still don't know?! How long have you been down here?" She said surprised as she cut John free too. "Three days?!?!" Exclaimed John. "Wait... We've been down here for three days. That can't be right?" Said Troy shaking his head. "No it's correct actually... All the power has been cut off for three days now, and you guys are sure you know nothing about it?" She asked. "Yeah." Said Daniel grabbing his bag from the corner of the small room. "How the hell did you guys even get in here?!" She asked As they walked out the exit. "Honestly... I have no idea." Said John. "Wow... You guys don't know anything do you?" She said laughing a little. "Haha... Nope" they replied.

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