The Baseball Player & The Tomboy

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"I'm sorry but you didn't make the team." Ms Coach Saunders said

"WHAT THE FUCK!, I put more work into softball practice then those pricks ever did, this is bullshit!" I said in such irritated tone.

"Peyton! A young lady should not use such vulgar language."

"No, you made me work so hard just so you can say I can't play during softball season that's just fucked up"

"I hate to be the person to tell you bad news but don't blame me, the girls all said you have an attitude they can't handle"

"Team my ass, that's why I never got along with girls, you know what forget it I'm out of here" I stormed out of coach office

That's great I have to walk home now, I wish Angel didn't have baseball practice, sometimes having a brother as a baseball player sucks... Wait I can practice with him, yes, Angel here I come.

10 mins pass by
I finally went to the baseball field. I love the smell of freshly cut grass, I can just see myself running home run after home run,hearing the crowd yell my name in excitement. The announcer saying Peyton Ortiz the best player in redpool high school.

"PEYTON WATCH OUT!" A voice yells out

I snap out and realize a baseball is going fast towards me, I tried to quickly dodge it but I was to late and got hit the head

"What the fuck?! Who threw that!" I said

"I told you to look out pea" Angel said

"I told you not to call me that! Nonna use to call me that..." I yelled at him furiously

"Shut up and let me check if you are bleeding" ... "Holy shit"


"You need to take a damn shower," angel says in a joking manner

"Shut up, am I bleeding?"

"Yeah you are, you need to get some rest I don't want you to faint"

"Fuck that I need to practice" I said

"Peyton no , and why aren't you at softball practice ?"

"Coach told me I couldn't be on the team"

"Hahaha she's missing out on the best player, let's show these overly confident baseball players, chics got game too, I know I won't be able to convince you to go rest you stubborn ass sister"

"Well Imma go to the bleachers to see you guys warm up, I should ice this before I get a massive head ache" I replied

I see the guys pitch to each other and see those fast balls fly by, none of those prissy softball girls can catch that hah!

I'm looking at angel and seeing how much he grew up. Wow can't believe we've gotten so close since nonna and nonno died, that's our grandparents but they were more like parents to us, our parents died from a plane crash coming back from a business trip.

While we were at Nonno & Nonna's house having a sleepover since that's what we do when mom and dad usually take there business trips. We were barley 3 years old, angel and I always loved going to Nonna's house, me and her would always be in the garden watering her prize daffodils she would call them.

Nonna taught me to be a tough girl although, never let a boy get in the way unless it's angel haha, the only way nonno married nonna is because nonno beat the shit out of a guy who tried touching nonna and then she gave him a chance and they've been together for 80 years, today was there anniversary

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