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Akai knocked on Joker's door.

"What do you want Yawning-Jerk?"

Akai held up a note.

"I found this in the kitchen, can you tell me what it says?"

"Why, can't you read?"


"Oh my god you can't read."

Akai looked offended.

"Yes I can! But, I -uh, can only read ancient languages. Y'know, from when I first got here."

Joker held a shocked expression on his face before grabbing Akai's hand and stomping to the newly fixed living room with him in tow.

"How the heck did we not notice this before, how have you even been getting around without reading? Never mind, it probably involves something illegal, I don't wanna know."

"But isn't everything you do illegal-"

"Shush. Now, Hachi!"

Hachi looked up from the curry pot.

"Yes Joker-san?"

"Call Spade. I have a very important job for you two."


"So your telling me he can't read."

"Not one word. He can't write either. At least, in our languages."

Spade sighed. Akai looked slightly uncomfortable with the discussion being about him. Hachi handed him some spicy curry to distract him.

"What are you expecting us to do, give him a child level education?"

"Actually ya."

Akai glared at them from over his spicy curry.

"I'm not a child."

Hachi, Spade, and Joker thought back to yesterday where Akai was entertained for a solid hour by the game of peek-a-boo.

"Sure, whatever you say."

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