Meet Joker

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"Oh, hey D-san, what are you doing here? I thought you and Spade were going shopping?" Hachi questioned, as he stepped aside to let D into the Sky Joker.

"Well, Spade keeps talking on and on about Joker, so I decided that I should get to know Joker better, in order to understand why Spade talks about him so much." D sat down on the couch as Hachi went into the kitchen and brought out some tea.

"That's reasonable." Hachi set down the tea on the coffee table and faced D. "But I should probably warn you. Joker-san tends to be.."

Perfectly timed, Joker burst into the living room with his cape on backwards and drinking a Capri Sun, "Did you say my name?"

"...well that."

"I regret my choice in coming here."

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