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I wake up and head to the bathroom but its occupied so I head to the one down stairs and this time Justin's in there (I need to find an apartment soon) I tell him to hurry up and go to the kitchen to get coffee and find a note saying Hank left to work early to do paperwork. Holly and Justin take to long so I have to skip my morning shower (I took one last night but also take one in the morning... usually).
I go and get dressed and get my duffle with the stuff I need for work and my back pack and head to my car I then go back in and tell Justin and Holly bye and grab my thermos with coffee and head to the firehouse for my first day this should be and interesting day.

When I walk in I go through the garage like I always have and see a table set up with a bunch of guys around playing cards but don't recognize any of them so I go in to the common room and see Matt an Dawson who walk over to say hi and Dawson takes me to the locker room to put my stuff up..I get a locker right between Kelly and someone named Capp...this should be fun.

When I walk back I see Clarke who informs me that chiefs calling a meeting to introduce us (apparently since the last time we were here chief got a whole new Firehouse other than Kelly, Matt, and Dawson) the meetings almost over and Kelly walks in I didn't expect him to be late and was surprised to see him in a good mood (it's been a long four years but Kelly has never been a morning person) after the meeting I go to find Kelly so I can talk to him face to face but I think he's avoiding me cause I haven't been able to find him, which is weird cause last night he seemed happy I was back and was in a good mood during the meeting.

After failing at finding Severide me and Clarke do inventory and stock the ambo just as we get done the bell sounds to and apartment fire, so we all head out I see Kelly get in the squad truck so I know he was the fire house (avoiding me). It was a quick call most people were already out so we got back to the firehouse just barley over an hour later I was gonna talk to Kelly but Dawson had to introduce me to the only other two girls at the firehouse Sylvie Brett her partner on ambo, and Stella Kidd who was on truck, shortly after I left to go to the locker room to get out my sketch pad ( I like to draw when I have down time it helps me clear my head). Right as I open my locker I hear something and turn around only to come face to face with a half naked Kelly Severide in nothing but a towel...

Kelly's POV
I feel bad I've been avoiding Abbie all day but I just don't know what to say I mean it has been four years you would think I'd be over her by now but I can't stop thinking about her.
As I walk out of the shower and in to the locker room I try to think of what to say to her then I see her at my locker...
The conversation K=Kelly. A=Abbie.
K..what are you doing at my locker.
A..I'm not at your locker mines right beside yours.
K..who assigned your locker.
K..go figure.
A..what's that supposed to mean.
K.. nothing.
A..fine then why have you been avoiding me.
K..cause I don't know what to say.
Abbie's POV

As I ponder what he said, Kelly gets dressed and heads out to the common room just as I go to ask why he's been avoiding me again, the bell sounds..." Squad 3, engine 81, ambo 61, ambo 18,..multi vehicle​ crash"...
As soon as we got to the scene I knew it was going to be a bad day...
Three cars crashed​ together, a small car at the front, then a minivan, and at the back the last vehicle was a big GMC truck. The car was fine other than the back end was smashed, the only person in it was the driver he was lucid and only had a mild concussion, next truck and squad had to get the people out of the GMC so the could move the two vehicles to get to the minivan...two men were brought out of the GMC with only a few scapes and bruises, Clarke and I still had to take then to the hospital to get checked, after I expect to just go back to the firehouse but we were called back to the crash scene....It was worse the minivan had caught fire and truck was trying to put it out while squad got the driver and three kids out.
The driver (the mother) was taken to Dawson an Brett, the oldest kid was taken to ambo 80, and me and Clarke got the youngest two, a one year old and a newborn, the newborn was fine we just still had to take him to the hospital to get checked out but the one year old wasn't breathing, while Clarke and I worked on reviving her, I heard Kelly yell something and the next thing I know the minivan explodes sending shrapnel everywhere, after cheif asks if everyone is ok and we all said yes and we got the toddler breathing again. As we load the stable toddler in the back of our ambulance, I hear cheif yelling for Kelly.....he was closest to the vehicle before it exploded.
I turned around to see cheif call for me once I get to Kelly I take his pulse the there's not one, my heart dropped as I started CPR cheif tells Cruz to drive Clarke in the ambo to med that's just down the street and hurry back I had my bag out already and had Casey help intibate Kelly, by the time Cruz and Clarke got back I got Kelly stable and we got him to the hospital.
Cheif took 51 out of calls for the rest of shift so we could be there for Kelly, after nearly and hour Dr. Halstead came and told us Kelly had a concussion and some bruised ribs but he was awake and lucid. Everyone was happy and then Dr. Halstead said that Kelly was asking for me, I had know idea what to think why, and wasn't he just avoiding me this morning, Halstead told me I could go see him and Dawson had to push me forward so that I would walk.
Once I got to his room he was just staring at the ceiling band when I knocked he look at me and asked me to come sit beside him so I did and the conversation went like this.............
A..Hi,Dr.Halstead said you asked for me.
K..yeah I wanted to talk to you...when I seen that van explode all I could think about was you and if you were covered but he I woke up here and was told I was the only firefighter injured everyone else just had cuts and bruises and I was happy and just wanted to see you...
A..Thank​ you Kelly, and I'm ok, but I don't understand you have been avoiding me at the firehouse but other times your happy to see me...
K..I know and I'm sorry (he reaches out and holds my hand) just since you came back from New York I just kept thinking about us together before you left and it kills me to see you everyday but not with me...
A..So what your saying is that you want to get back together​....
K..yes so if you want to will you go out with me when I get discharged
A..(I was happy now it all made sense again) yes Kelly I would love to.
....later on after everyone had seen and talked to him he was finally discharged but couldn't come back to shift for two weeks.........
It's been about two weeks since Kelly asked me out and now after shift we're going somewhere but he wants it to be a surprise the only thing he told me was to bring a jacket and he'd pick me up at Antonio's at eight.....I've been staying at Antonios for last few days cause Erin and Jay got in a fight so she's been staying at Voight's and it's packed so I told Voight I was gonna stay at Antonios for awhile and Antonio is ok with it cause I actually cook so he doesn't have to leave early to stop for breakfast.................
It seven and Gabby, Brett, and Kidd came over to help me get ready I don't know why I'm capable of getting my self showered and dressed by myself, but Gabby insisted, I also only told Gabby about the date with Kelly who told Brett and Kidd. As I was getting out of the shower I walked out in a towel to get whatever clothes they pick out which thankfully was jeans, a long sleeve t-shirt and my blue converse. Once I got dressed Kidd made a comment on how Kelly never really did the date thing with her usually the just hooked up and I was surprised, I didn't know her Kelly ever had a thing and when I said that she kind of looked down and then Dawson saw I was upset and reassured me that it was just a short thing and Kelly was going through some stuff....
As eight rolled around Kidd and Brett left and Kelly had just pulled into the driveway​ on his old Indian (motorcycle) he came up and said hi to Dawson asked if I was ready, I had said yes and then after he got on the bike he helped me get on the back.
...Shortly we drove up and parked outside the ice skating park, I recognized it immediately I spent a lot of time her when I came back to chicago.....I was born in Chicago but after being put in the foster system I went to Montana then came back to Chicago....
This ice rink is also the place me and Kelly went to often back when we were together the first time. After Kelly nearly fall for the tenth time and saying he hasn't been skating since I left for New York it was almost ten and the park was closing so we left to get pizza. While eating our pizza we talked about everything from when I left to now. Kelly was telling me about how he was looking for an apartment but he needed a roommate, he asked if I would come with him tomorrow to look at an apartment and it was probably the one he was gonna get, so after agreeing to go he took me back to Antonios and just as I turned to open the door he pulled me into a hug and when I looked up he kissed me as I kissed him back he deepened the kiss, as I pulled away breathless he smiled and said he'd see me tomorrow I replied and said good bye and went inside as I walk inside Erin and Gabby were waiting for me in my room. Gabby told Erin about the date and they waited for me to fill them in on what happened and then we said goodnight and the went home.
Phone messed up so if you can see chapter three please comment weather or not you can read it please and thank you.....

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