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After about a thirty minute drive and me asking every five seconds Kelly finally pulls up to a really fancy restaurant and comes around to help me out. We walked in and the waitress asked for a name and Kelly replied saying he had a reservation for two under Kelly Severide. Dinner was great and so was dessert, after Kelly and I went for a walk and about two blocks down we ended up in front of the big silver bean were Kelly turned to me and said....
K.. Abbie I know it soon and if you want you can say no and we can just continue on how we are but (kneeling) Abigail Rae will you marry me?....
A.. Kelly Severide it would make me very happy to marry you.....
After saying yes he put a ring on my finger and lifted me up and kissed me after going home and celebrating we drifted off to sleep.......

Kelly's POV
When I open my eyes I see the most beautiful brunette asleep sprawled out on her stomach with her left hand in front of her and that's when the memories of last night come flooding back... we're engaged I smile to my self I wrap my arms around her and pull Abbie to my chest and give her a kiss, as I do this she stirs awake and looks at me with her beautiful blue eyes and just smiles. "Hey Kelly I have funny memory from last night a firefighter proposed to me" Abbie says as she starts stretching which I get up to use the bathroom while saying " oh yeah I have memory like that only a beautiful girl said yes and now we're engaged". As I walk back and lie down beside her she moves closer to me while saying she loves me and I reply with the same.
Abbie's POV
As Kelly and I walk into the firehouse Casey and Dawson follow us to the locker room and wait till everyone else is out but us then this happens...... anything interesting happen in the last two days.
C..yeah anything big.
A..(looking at Kelly) did you tell them. I just perhaps mentioned to Casey that I was gonna ask you.
C..yeah and I couldn't help but tell Dawson. who all knows then.....
K..just us four ( with a big smile on his face).
D.. but you should tell cheif and the rest of the house soon cause otherwise it's written all over you twos face and Abbie your wearing a the ring on your hand.
A..oh oops and yeah we should tell everyone soon but not today.
K..okay but we should also tell my dad, Voight, Erin, and Justin first.
A..Alright but now we should all get to work.
************************************After a long shift Kelly and I head home to shower and change we decided to call Benny (Kelly's dad), Voight, Erin, and Justin and have dinner with them tonight and tell them all that were engaged.
***Everyone sitting at the dinner table***
Erin...well it the food was really good so I'm gonna guess Abbie cooked.
Voight... Well it would've all been burnt if Kelly cooked.
Kelly... Hey Im not that bad of a cook.
Justin... You burnt popcorn in a microwave. do you know about that.
Abbie...alright enough picking on Kelly, here's the dessert.
Benny..Nice, my favorite Mississippi Mud cake.
Abbie...Yeah Kelly's too.
Kelly... Hey its a really good cake.
Erin... Yeah, cause Abbie baked it.
Voight... Alright so dinner and dessert was great but is there a certain reason behind you two calling us all to dinner, I mean it's got to be something, Benny's here.
Benny... What's that exposed to mean I'm family and they called a family meeting.
Erin... Yeah, but you weren't always there for Kelly.
Abbie...HEY, let's calm down, Kelly and I asked you all to come because we have something we want to tell ALL of you.
Justin...your not pregnant are you?
Abbie... no....(looking at Kelly). and I
Voight...are what....
Kelly...well we're getting married.
Erin...your engaged. What. How long. When's the wedding.
Justin...who all knows.....
Kelly...just you guys, Casey and Dawson.
Voight...well congrats.
Abbie...we have only been engaged about three days and we have talk or planned anything about the wedding...
Erin...alright well we you do plan let me know I wanna help.
Abbie...alright I will.
(As I notice Benny has been quite the whole time I nudge Kelly to get him to notice and he does)
Kelly... So Benny what do you think. really want to tie your self down I mean you still got time to be adventurous and be with other people.
Kelly... Well Abbie who I want to spend the rest of my life with and I have been with other girls but Abbie's the only one I want to be with so yeah I an sure she's who I want to marry. always were the serious one.
Kelly...well someone had to be.'s late I think it's time I go.
Kelly..yeah, see you later.
(Now Benny's left and it's just Voight, Erin, Justin and Kelly and I).
Erin... Yokes he's never gonna change is he.. this point I doubt it...
Voight....well I got paperwork to do in the morning so I'm gonna head out. Congrats you to I'm really happy for you both.
Abbie...thanks Voight, see later, love you.
Justin...I should probably head out to got a long drive across town and have to pick Holly and the baby up at the airport in the morning, shes finally coming back from visiting her mom.
Kelly...well both of you drive safe we'll see y'all later.
Abbie...yeah, and thanks for coming to dinner.
( As Erin and I clear the table Kelly heads to take the trash out) you and Kelly getting married.
Abbie...yeah, did you just miss the two hour long dinner. but I mean it's only been about six months....
Abbie...yeah and we've know each other for along time and we were together before.
Erin... alright..alright whatever as long as your happy.
Abbie... I am Kelly makes me happy and he's the only person I wanna be with. so changing the subject how are you and Jay.
Erin​.. We're great moved in together and it's going great I mean we did take a break after his ex tried to come back in to his life but we fixed it and put it the past.
( As we finish up the dishes and head to the living room Kelly's walks in and says he's going to take a shower)
Erin... Any how it's getting late and I should get back to him.
Abbie...alright and hey you could have brought him tonight.
Kelly...( From the bedroom). BYE..
Erin...bye and yeah but he's still getting over the flu but I'll tell him about you two. So have a nice night and I'll see you later.
Abbie...alright ,love ya, see you later.
Erin...bye love you too.

**** A/N****
Sorry for it being so long since the last update but between training new people at work and my schedule changing all the time I've been very busy but I hope you like it and continue reading....if you I have ideas for the book let me know I'm running out of Ideas....

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