Space Dragons

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You know how the space program down here have their thumbs up their asses and haven't really done anything big since that satellite in the 90's? For the rest of us, space is conquered. The secrets are unlocked and the real estate is amazing. Once these humans figure out how they can go to other dimensions through certain black holes, they're fucked. Why you may ask? Because guys will be walking in with their dicks hanging out, trying take over the place(s). Know what's gonna happen? They, their families, and this lovely little shit-pocket of a planet will be gone before you could even blink.

There are ten main dimensions like I mentioned before. Doesn't mean there's not dimensions in the dimensions and other universes, and all those headache inducing theories stoners like to bring up when they're so baked they want to get the dog high too. I'm just saying, that's how we aliens roll.

The 1st dimension is the oldest, which makes sense considering some of my people are well into their trillions. 2nd, this planet. 3rd, is a nature reserve. Don't know why, but long time ago there was a nasty war. Think of it like a giant version of Chernobyl. 4th and 5th are allies and also supply the rest of us with metals and minerals and such, so in other words, the mining there is fucking great. 6th are assholes, all their planets are good for is piss poor governments, and a lot of wars and battles to fight. Speaking of war, welcome to the dimension I spent my second life in, the 7th. Ironically, the 7th is a lead military dimension. The 8th, are where all the genius council people go and discussed fates of other dimensions and how to deal with them. That's all I really know on them. 9th are where the bulk of horticulture and agriculture produce come from, providing especially the 7th dimension with food. Then 10th is where tons of black holes reside.

In my second life my mother wasn't a whore, nor did she die during my birth. Instead I was born to her and her second husband, and a half sister, Britney. My mom had bad taste in men. Eventually, dad left and she met husband number 3, he also came with a step brother. We were the normal sitcom family living in a flat in the moon.

When I was around five I started noticing my guardian (Cossite). He was my intuition, and luck. I started talking about things a five year old shouldn't have known about. I would also quickly be able to get myself out of dangerous situations. Then the day came when my family figured out I was different- and not just smart and has a imaginary friend.

I was in the living room, messing around with everything. Running around, doing things a little kid learns real quick not to do again. Cossite kept trying to warn me something was gonna happen but I didn't listen. Sure enough right as my mom enter the room, i hit the side table next to the couch, and knocked the vase sitting on it to the floor. Only it didn't hit the floor. In that moment i stopped it from falling. It felt like it wasn't me doing it, instead i was the vase. I had only one thought, one function: not to hit the floor. Once i successfully didn't hit the ground i knew i couldn't hang in the air for the rest of time. I then gently proceeded to lay the vase on to the ground as if i, back in my body now, were actually holding it. My arm doing the motion, giving the command, felt the weight of the vase even though i was 3 feet away. It felt as if this went on for years, only it was less then 30 seconds. 30 seconds of time slowed down to the pace of molasses pouring in winter.

My mom let out a half sigh, half yelp witnessing all of this. Then she fell to her knees and said "He's real isn't he? The friend you talk about" I nodded yes, as I didn't feel like I could speech. To this her eyes got glossy and her lips started quivering. "Sweetie, can you tell me who he is?" Her voice was tight, not of grief, but fear, as if she was in a horror movie.

"C-cossite" I managed to spit out, it was like talking around sand in my little kid throat. I remember the whole time this exchange was happening my guardian was quite, both analyzing the situation, but also feeding memories into my head. Watching my mother starting to sob brought back when Erica was sobbing, then Annie. My life, my personality, everything came back in a flow more constant than water in a stream.

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