"I imagined the great Wahasha would be taller. This is a bit underwhelming" The bastard gives a cocky smile at the end. Blonde hair buzz cut. Blue eyes, clear. Fuck, in another life Hilter would have been waving he's dick out for this one. "Well when I pictured getting kidnapped by the military, it wasn't a little boy that would be doing it. Looks like all the events of today are a little underwhelming as you put it." To this his grin drops, and his gun raises. Why is it marines have to be so damn trigger happy? Like don't these people have a sex life? In the background a girl starts whimpering. Leave it to the US government to create a scene at a high school during lunch. All the sudden my would-be abductor and his small bunch of troops fall dead on the floor. About five different hostages scream at this. All the sudden pink smoke fill the main hallway. Enter act two of the Texas high school horror story. Therapists get your couches ready, business is gonna really pick up this year. ?%? In this story, not all is what it seems. The tale you think you're being told may change drastically at any moment. The characters and places mentioned may be real or they may not. It's up to you to decide.
9 parts