Chapter Thirty-One

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A/N: All words in italic are ENGLISH


We watched closely as one of the teachers held out her hand inside one of the bowls, about to choose one female representative from the first year.

"And our female freshman representative for this cultural.. Liu Jaehee," she announced, before moving on to the next bowl.

I'm glad we weren't wasting time and she was getting straight to their names. "Another representative from first year, Kim Taehyung."

"Representative from sophomore, Kim Namjoon." she says. "And representative from seniors, Kim Seokjin. All representatives, please go to the guidance after this program."

Jaehee, who was beside me, smiled. "Gah.. wish me luck.. Can you actually believe I got chosen? At least I can cut off the introductions with Taehyung and Namjoon.. but Seokjin?"

I playfully rolled my eyes. "What's with you being shy? Aren't your eyes only glued to Jungkook.. for like.. forever?"

She laughed, softly punching my shoulder before standing up, as the representatives were instructed to go to the guidance. "Hey, I'm off. Let's meet by the river." and then she waved goodbye.

Luckily, it as already dismissal. I shouldered my bag, looking up once finding a person standing in front of me. Jungkook smiled, waving at me.

"Yo." he said in english. Jimin approached us, throwing an arm around Jungkook and giving him one of his adorable smiles.

"Can you actually believe 3 of them got chosen as representatives?" Jimin cocked an eyebrow, as we started making our way by the river. "Also.. where's Yoongi and Hoseok-hyung?"

I smiled and started walking backwards in front of them. "Don't worry. Yoongi texted me that he and Hobi were going to meet with us by the river soon."

Jungkook eyed me, "You're lucky Hoseok-hyung isn't here. He would've already scolded you for walking backwards again." he reminded. I laughed, turning on my heel so I was walking normally again.

We turned the ever so familiar place, the two carefully walking down the steps while I run down. "It won't break if you run down," I reassure, before sitting down on the grass. "Both of you are too careful."

"No!" Jungkook said, sitting across from me while I felt Jimin sit beside me. "You're just too reckless. You know it!"

"Woah, look what time it is!" Jimin exclaimed softly, glancing on his wrist as if he had a watch, he did not. "It's english time!"

"That's easy! Jungkook said confidently. "Good morning!" he said in english.

"I'm good at english!" Jimin grinned, before turning to me. "Hey.. you! You... you look.. cute! You are cute!" he laughed, pinching my cheek.

"I," he pointed at himself and paused for a bit. "I.. I have.. a.. crush," he made hand motions as he did so. "On you!" he pointed at me. "Because..." he pursed his lips. "You are cute!"

Here's a secret: I hated english.

One because I sucked, and two because I wasn't even good with languages to begin with.

"Th-thank you." I stuttered, placing a hand on my chest. "You are.." I pointed at Jungkook and Jimin. "Cool."

"Ha!" Jungkook laughed. "Yes I am! Good in english."

"What the fuck?" Yoongi's voice rang in our ears, and I turn my head, seeing him and Hobi walking down the steps.

"Oh my god!" Hobi exclaimed, about to sit down next to me when Yoongi beat him to it. He gasped, flashing Yoongi glares as he sat across from me. "Again..."

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