Chapter Eleven

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"Oh my god," Jaehee muttered under her breath, as her eyes landed on a cotton candy stall. "It's cotton candy! I've never had it.. since like.. 2 years ago?" 

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Seriously, where have you been living all your life?" 

"I just realised." Hobi started, as Jaehee went off to buy cotton candy for everyone. He switched gazes from me and Jungkook, then grinned. "Jungkook has a sketchy clothing style. While Yuna..." he stared at me for a while. "You look adorable!" 

"That's what you always say!" Jungkook grinned with his bunny teeth, as he playfully pointed a finger at Hobi. Hobi giggled and made his way over to me, taking out his phone. 

He took a picture of the three of us. "You look way cuter in leggings than in a skirt!" 

"You look cuter with a skirt than pants." Jungkook directed at Hobi. "Have you tried that?" 

"Hey!" Hobi frowned. 

I laughed and crossed my arms. "Funny. How long have you thought about Hobi in a skirt?" 



I laughed at their reactions. Soon, Jaehee was back with cotton candy, which she gratefully handed to us. "Since the three of you are such good friends, the sweets are my treat." 

"You might be broke by the end of the day." I joked. We remained where we were, at the entrance of the festival as I waited for a specific someone. 

"Who are we waiting for? I want to try out the water dunk!" Jungkook hurried, taking a bite out of his cotton candy. Now that I thought about it, his style was always sketchy. All black.. a hoodie..

"Haven't you been playing that for.. 10 years?" I shot back, then directed my gaze at the entrance, tapping my foot and eating my cotton candy. "I'm waiting for Baekhyun." 

"Woah there.." Jaehee trailed off, giggling and placing a hand on my shoulder. "Did we miss something? Is there something you're not telling us?" 

"Ohh. So you have a crush on him?" Hobi and Jungkook teased. I groaned and lightly bonked them on the head. 

"No.." I replied quickly. He told me he was off to check something. I trusted him. 

"Then why are you-" 

"Hey." a familiar voice spoke. We turned out heads and found ourselves face to face with the one and only Kim Namjoon. Wow. And didn't he say he was 'too busy'? 

"I thought you weren't available." I placed a hand on my hip. 

He perked up, his eyes widening and his cool and calm composure slowly breaking. "W-What? How could I know that I still have plans today? And besides.. I was just about to go home." 

Hobi laughed. "Ne~ Namjoon just wants to come with us!" 

"The festival just opened. And that's the only entrance." Jungkook reasoned, then gave him a teasing smile. "You want to hang out with us!" 

"Y-You!" Namjoon exclaimed, then looked away. "Fine. Since you insisted. Just don't expect me to be part of your little group of friends." 

I laughed and waved a hand, "Yeah, yeah." 

"Uh, hey." another voice said, this one coming from the entrance. I unconscious smile made it's way to my lips as I turned my head to see Baekhyun with a small grin on his face. 

"Baekhyun." I said, smiling as I lead him to the others. "I'm pretty sure you haven't met them yet, right? Jungkook. Hoseok. Jaehee. Namjoon." I gestured to them as he did so. 

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