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"Yah! Cho Kyuhyun!" 

The maknae blinked and looked up, pausing his game. "What?" He yelled back. 

Heechul burst into his room. "The hell did you do to the bathroom??" 


Kyuhyun stared blankly. "I'm sorry ... What?"

The diva snorted. "Come on, you were in it last, nobody else was -"

"What happened to the bathroom?"

Heechul stalked over, grabbed his arm and tugged him into the bathroom. Kyuhyun yelped. 

"What the heck??'

It was a mess. The mirror was broken, shards of glass scattered on the floor, and the rug was scrunched into a corner, the various containers shattered on the floor. The bathtub was filled with water, spilling onto the floor. Kyuhyun looked at the elder incredulously. "You think I did this?" 

Heechul shrugged. "Eh."

"Hey, what's going on - WHAT THE -" Leeteuk screamed, and there was a series of clanging noises as the rest of Super Junior flooded in. 

"Why is he -"


"What happened??" 

"You two didn't do this I swear -"


"Everybody QUIET!" yelled Leeteuk. They all shut up immediately, and all stared at the bathroom in shock. Kyuhyun looked at the leader. "I didn't do it hyung, I really didn't ..."

"I know you didn't, Kyu, but this ..." 

"Call the manager," said Kangin. "We'll try and clear this up ... Who even did this ... It's like, eleven at night ..." 

"We didn't hear anything and we were in the living room ..." Eunhyuk spoke up worriedly. "Is someone in the dorm??" 

"Stay here -" Leeteuk rushed out. The members looked at each other and shrugged, waiting for their leader to return. 

"Nobody," Leeteuk re-entered the bathroom a while later, shaking his head. "I couldn't find anything ..." 

"Manager hyung is coming," said Ryeowook timidly, holding up his phone. "I'll - I'll go and make a snack or something ..." He pulled Yesung out of the room.  

Leeteuk turned to the remaining members. "Right, Kangin, Hangeng, Heechul, you stay here and try and clear this mess, Kyuhyun, go to your room with Sungmin and wait for the manager, Siwon you can stay with Yewook, Donghae and Eunhyuk -"

They were cut off by Donghae's sudden shriek. 


All of them jumped violently. "Hae!" 

Donghae stated wildly at the mirror's broken shards on the floor. "I saw ... I swear I saw a ... a girl ..." 

Eunhyuk cast him a worried glance. "It's okay Hae, it's nothing ... Come on, let's go check in Yewook ..." 

Kyuhyun grabbed Sungmin and fled. 

Leeteuk sighed. "I'll guess we'll just have to get started on clearing up ..." He began to shake out the different rugs. Heechul grumbled something about beauty sleep and started picking up the shards of mirror on the floor - only to drop them all suddenly with a crack. 

Hangeng jumped. "Heechul? What -"

"It's nothing." Heechul quickly picked them up and walked out quickly, but not before he could see a flash of light reflecting off the mirror onto the wall, and the pale figure of a girl staring at him from the corner. 

Stop seeing things, he scolded himself, dumping the shards into the bin. 

The manager came a few minutes later, and was evidently upset with the mess. 

"What is this? Do you know how much money it will cost to fix this? How could you be so irresponsible? This much damage -"

"Hey, we didn't do it!" Protested Kyuhyun, but cowered when the manager glared at him. 

The manager sulkily glared at the mess - the smashed mirror, the crumpled rugs, the dust covering the empty bathtub ...

And behind him, the Super Junior members collectively stifled a gasp.

Because the water flooding the room had gone.

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