Another P2

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"Someone stop those two, honestly ..." Kyuhyun groaned, pulling out a chair and slumping down on it. "Or stop Heechul, rather."

"I don't know," mused Sungmin. "They're kinda cute together."


"U-um ... I meant ... Like ..." Sungmin waved his hands around, redness creeping up his cheeks. "Uh -"

"They're just teasing you Sungmin," Leeteuk assured him, shooting the others a dark glare. "Don't worry. And ... Didn't Heechul ...?"

"He was in the middle is saying something about the previous tenants," Kangin confirmed. He stood, grabbing his gym bag. "Well, I guess we'll just question them about it once they get out of the shower and goodness knows what else they'll be doing in there."

He skipped out of the room before Leeteuk could process what he had said, giggling to himself at the expressions on the other members' faces.

They sat around the couches and on the floor for a few minutes, asvently texting on their phones or listening to some music. None of them were talking, but then every group needed some quiet time, right? Even a group like Super Junior.

Until Ryeowook spoke up.

"Is it just me ..." He trailed off uncertainly, and Leeteuk pulled out his earplugs. "Hm?"

"Is it just me, or am I getting a really and feeling ...?"

Besides him, Yesung's fingers stilled over his phone screen, and there was a vibrating noise that sounded weirdly amplified in the silence. "No, it's not just you. But hey -" he tried to smile and shrug. "It's probably the photo, putting us all on edge, right?"

"Yeah ..." Leeteuk settled down against the bottom of the couch next to Donghae's legs. "Yeah, the photo ..." He still looked slightly stiff.

Another few minutes passed, the silence thickening.

"Okay, this is getting weird now." Kyuhyun stood up suddenly, almost knocking his chair over. "Something's up, I'm going to go and check."

"Wait, Kyuhyun -"

The youngest member had already disappeared down the corridor, and Leeteuk stared after him. "Never mind ..."

"He's right, though." Yesung didn't look up from his screen. "I feel like something's off ... I'm just hoping it's just me, but -"


"Fuck," Leeteuk jumped up and raced down the hallway. The lights flickered as he ran past, his shadow bending abnormally on the walls. Behind him, the other members tripped over each other in the scramble to see what had caused the maknae to start yelling - until the commotion came to an abrupt halt as they saw what was in front of them.

The dark, deep red glistening wet on the bathroom mirror reflected with a jewel-like quality off Heechul's eyes, and even as he turned around, Kyuhyun was already scrambling to get out of his way, bumping into a frozen Leeteuk in the process.

And when Heechul spoke, there was another voice underneath his, laced with a poisonous vengeance.

"This won't be the last time."

Leeteuk barely had enough wit left in him to dive to catch Heechul before he cracked his head open on the side of the bathroom sink. And it was only then when Ryeowook screamed and pointed at the bathtub, which had been previously hidden by the shower curtain.


"It really is weird how far people will go not to believe something, isn't it?"

"Talk about stubborn ..." Kyuhyun sighed, his eyes still glued onto the computer screen. Ryeowook glanced up. "Are you still playing that?"


"Aren't you going to stop?"


"But -"


Yesung frowned. "Kyuhyun, that's not -"


"Idiot, I wasn't asking a question!"


Leeteuk watched them for a few seconds before turning back to the bed. "Heechul, can you re-"

"Jeez, I can't remember okay? How many times to I have to say that?" He scowled. "Ok, I remember up to going inside the bathroom and then it was like I was someone else, they were really really really really really mad, and that's it." He shifted himself on the pillows, wincing. "Also, couldn't you have done a better job at catching me? The toilet really hurts."

"Well, I'm sorry I bothered saving your ass. Next time I'll remember not to."

Kyuhyun finally paused his game and looked up. "Wow, ghost attacks really do dampen the mood, don't they?" He stood up, stretching. "Manager hyung hasn't called yet, has he?"

"No." Kangin checked his phone, sighing. "And to be honest, I don't really want to hear him screaming at us for playing pranks that go out of hand."

"Hear, hear. Honestly, he's been us for years and he still thinks we're doing this? The kind of people SM hire to look after us blessed gods - I mean idols -"

Ryeowook giggled nervously. "Anyway ... This can't not be a coincidence. The photo we find, then Hangeng hyung gets ... Attacked, or whatever, and is now in hospital with utterly confused doctors ... by Heechul hyung who was ... possessed?"

Eunhyuk nodded, then blinked. "Wait, Heechul - weren't you telling us about what you found out about the history of our flat or whatever a few days ago? Can you still remember?"

"... Oh! Right." Heechul shifted again. "Uh ... Can someone pass me my phone?"

Donghae picked up the phone and made to hand it over to him before he stopped and frowned. "I respect you and all, hyung, but seriously ... why that phone cover?"

"Oi, hurry up and give it to me!" Heechul reached over with difficulty and snatched the device, his ears going red. "That's none of your business."

"You need to get over your obsession with the female idols." Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow, smirking.

"That's like telling you to stop playing StarCraft or any other computer games."

Laughing at the maknae who was just staring without a remark, he tapped his password into the screen. "Ok. Good, it's still here ..."

The rest of the members leaned forward unconsciously.

"Right. It's not a lot, but I'm almost certain that this is why we're always being attacked ..."

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